Finding Time For Your Network Marketing Business
Many newbies find it difficult to apply their time constructively and effectively when starting their first venture with Network Marketing Business. So much to learn and so much to apply that you don’t know where to start. Not only that, finding time is also a major issue.
Majority of you are opportunity seekers trying to find a way out of this economic downturn. Which means that you are either employed or a student and you have very little time to spare to concentrate and focus on your network marketing opportunity.
Don’t worry at all. If I tell you my story then you will certainly be surprised and think network marketing as an opportunity and you definitely want to succeed. There is always time and you just have to plan it and balance it with your life and work.
My venture online started about 18 months ago. And would you believe that I was not only on full time employment but also a part time student. I attended night class 3 times a week hence leaving me with 2 evening and the week-end to focus on my business. Yes I found it difficult until I followed a system and learned how to manage my time productively. Now it has become a habit.
Relax nobody is perfect but we can make that happen. Do you know that there is a saying “Where there is a will, there is a way”
Do you think you need to apply 5 to 6 hours or even more for your business? Absolutely not! Would you believe 2 hours per day could make you successful overtime ONLY if you apply a daily planned routine and follow a system consistently? Unless, you want to become a millionaire overnight, which I presume, you and I know can only happen if you win a lottery ticket and that chance may be once in a zillion.
So how do you do it? It all starts with creating your business mindset. During this 2 hour period, you need to focus on the activities that are of top priority. Success lies in prioritising the task that adds value to your business. Things that will make you earn money. Do productive work to develop your Network Marketing Business.
1. Write articles and post them to your blog and article directories
2. Read blogs and post comments to get backlinks to your blog or Network Marketing Website
3. Interact with like minded people, invite them to your blog.
These are some examples which add value to your work, not to mention there are tons of other things you could do.
Make a daily routine of things you need to do and stick to it.
Your worst enemies : Reading Emails. Yes my friend that should be the last thing on your list. On the Contrary writing emails for your subscribers would definitely add value.
Instant Messenger Chats: Yep, very time consuming and not at all productive.
So the Conclusion is set up a Plan of a TO DO LIST for each day. It does not matter if it is 2 hours or 1 hour. JUST keep it consistent and do it. Overtime you will see results are tremendous and your business growing.
P.S. Are you’re sick and tired of endless nights online with little to no leads or money to show for it, it is time to take action and move on. Discover my exact strategies to generating free leads and signing up more reps on autopilot with social network marketing, Go here NOW!: => Yes Give It To Me.