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Coaching Terms and Policies

Please kindly read everything before engaging, it’s in the best interest for both parties.


All Payments are to be made 48 hours prior to the coaching session. The payment option is made through Stripe which accepts all major credit cards. You will be making payments to Muvida LTD which is the legal establishment.

Missed Sessions – Rescheduling Notice:

We all have busy schedules and I totally understand that. If you wish to reschedule a session then I require a 24 hour cancelation or rescheduling notice.
If you are unable to give 24 hour notice or simply do not “arrive” for your appointment, that session will be considered as completed and payment made in full.

Under special circumstances, we can arrange to make up the session.

If you are late for your call, the call will still end at the scheduled time. Because I have other clients and appointments, I must be able to hold to my agreed upon schedule.

Thank you for your comprehension!

In Between Sessions:

If the need arises to get in touch with me between our coaching sessions, then you may do so by email. I will do my best to respond within the 24 hours. Please limit these emails to no more than two per week.

Refund Policy:

Please note that there will be no refund for the session that have been completed by you and also if you simply do not arrive for your session.

Package deals refund:

If you have taken any of the package deals and wish to cancel then only the sessions that are due to be taken will be refunded. Any sessions that have been completed will not be refunded.

Coaching Agreement (Only required for Package Deals):

Upon receiving your payment, I will send you via email a coaching agreement which will give you further guidelines set for our coaching sessions. This should be read by you and duly signed and returned to me before we start our coaching session.

You will also receive a questionnaire. This is designed to help you describe about yourself in details and will allow me to assist you in the coaching process.

Please note this does not apply for any single sessions purchased.

Legal Disclosure:

You are aware that the Coaching Relationship is in no way to be construed as psychological counseling or any type of therapy. In the event that you feel a need for professional counseling or therapy, it is your responsibility to seek a licensed professional.

Coaching results are not guaranteed and you are entering into coaching with the understanding that you are responsible for creating your own results. I have your express permission to provide your contact information to the International Coach Federation for the purpose of verifying my coaching hours only.

Please do note that it is your choice as to how far and how fast you want to go. Please let me know what is the best way to coach you and if at any time, you are not comfortable with what is happening in the coaching relationship, please let me know immediately so we can correct the situation and move on.

Look forward to a fruitful collaboration with you!

To Your Success!

Nurul Chowdhury