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Feeling Stuck in Business – What To Do

Feeling Stuck in Business – What To Do

What To Do When You Are Feeling Stuck In Business?

Nothing can be more frustrating than feeling stuck in business. I know that feeling…

It happens to everyone at one stage or another, there can be various reasons that can influence the state of being stuck.

It can be a terrible feeling not to be able to advance. That feeling of lack of motivation and clarity engulfs your mind and you don’t feel like doing anything. The feelings of overwhelm and the fear of not achieving results. Hmm… does it sound familiar? 

Seek out the reason why you are feeling stuck

It’s not always easy to understand why you feel stuck in your business and it’s best to first start understanding what is causing this feeling in the first place. It could be a specific reason why you are feeling blocked such as a lack of motivation, overwhelm, frustration, writer’s block, fear of doing videos, etc…
If you can identify the reason then you may be able to resolve this issue quicker than you think.

 a) Lack of clarity/direction

Often we are stuck simply because we lack clarity in our bigger vision and our goals.

It may be a good time to review your vision and mission statement.

  • Are your goals aligned to your long term objectives?
  • Are your goals short and concise enough to help you achieve them?

 b) Trying to be a Perfectionist

Sometimes we are not satisfied with our work and get so focused to perfect it that in the end we give up on it. This is a perfect example for me. And this is the reason why I am writing this blog post today. I get totally stuck when I want to either write a blog post or do a video. I want it to be always the best ever I could produce and as a result it never gets produced. Do you get that feeling yourself?

Just do it. Take action and post that blog or publish that video, etc… Perfection will come over time. And you can always can edit and make it better at a later date. The objective is to get something out there to your audience.

 c) Lack of Content

Another reason why I get stuck is that I sometimes find it difficult to come up with creative ideas for producing content for my blog and other social media platforms.

If it is for a video creation or blog post, first thing to do is select a particular keyword to work on. Then do some research on that top. I always try to do search on the keyword starting with the following

  • How to [keyword]
  • Why … [keyword]
  • When … [keyword]
  • What … [keyword]
  • Where … [keyword]

For example, if your keyword is “write a blog post”, you search could be

  • How to write a blog post
  • Why to write a blog post
  • What to write for a blog post

Note: Not all the above questions will be relevant for your keywords. Gather as much idea as you can and then put them into form for your content.

 d) Overwhelm can be a big factor if you are stuck

Overwhelm can happen when you have a lot to do on your plate. This can lead to nothing get done at all.

List out all the things that require your attention, rank them by must do it now to can wait for a later stage.
Next is to get yourself a daily mode of operation (DMO) which you will apply every day. The DMO will eliminate a lot of your overwhelm and frustration. It will help you get a back in the game.


Recommended Books : Feeling Stuck in Business

How To Get Unstuck: 25 Ways to Get Your Business Growing Again

3 Effective Strategies To Grow Your Twitter Following

3 Effective Strategies To Grow Your Twitter Following

3 Effective Strategies you can use today to grow your Twitter following. Twitter marketing still works if you apply the right methods. A little bit of history. Twitter was founded back in 2006 and since then it has evolved quite a bit over the years. A little glimpse of it’s evolution can be seen in through their Slide shows. Many marketing gurus will say that Twitter marketing is dead. True if you apply the wrong methods. I did a bit of research on the internet and found that it current has about 317 million monthly active users, would you believe in 2010 it was around 30k. I joined Twitter back in May 2009, as a new marketer, I hardly knew how to promote my business on twitter and followed what my mentor told me. Spam the heck out with your tweets. Unfortunately, it was a total failure. Over the years my account grew to a healthy 8k followers but most of them were inactive. I explain below what I did to clean out the inactive followers. So, honestly there was no benefit in having such a large following if no one was engaging. Today, I look at it as a valuable marketing platform for my business. It allows me to generate 5 to 10 leads every day on autopilot. Here are the 3 strategies that allowed me to grow my twitter account.

1. Use Automated Tools

There are various tools online to automate your twitter. Some are free and some are paid. Each one has it’s on advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few good tools that you can use for growing your twitter following; tools such as Hootsuite, SocialJukeBox, SocialOomph, StatusBrew. I have listed below the ones I use and why I find it handy.

2. Growing your Twitter Followers

I use for this. It has a very simple interface and easy to handle. Statusbrew allows me to manage my followers and my followings. This is a daily task for me and I spend around 30 minutes to maintain my twitter account of followers and unfollowers. I used this unfollow method to clean Twitter accounts that were inactive, some were inactive for almost 5 to 6 years. Most probably they abandoned Twitter marketing. It also has an option where you can configure Direct Messages (DM) to be sent out to each follower that follows you. Now I am sure you do not want to that manually if you are getting 20 to 30 followers per day. Pretty time-consuming isn’t it?

3. Engaging your Twitter Followers with Valuable Content

Some prefer SocialJukeBox but it has it’s limitations and to be honest I have tested it myself and did not feel comfortable with the platform. I use SocialOomp for providing valuable content to keep my twitter followers engaged with me. SocialOomp allows you to schedule your tweets well in advance and it is put in a Queue which keep on rotating each time it finishes a cycle. You can put in various forms of tweets and place them under categories aka Queues. Each category in turn gets tweeted. This way you have a variety of posts going out at regular intervals. Tweets can be text quotes, image quotes, blog posts, YouTube videos. I have to say that it has saved me a lot of time. Imagine sitting in front of your computer or smart phone and tweeting all day. It generates me 5 to 10 leads on average per day. I simply put in the campaigns that are a done for you Lead Capture Pages from my marketing platform MLSP in the Queues.

My Twitter following progress

Recently, I watched a video training on how to Get 4 million people to see your tweets each month? I followed the Twitter training which has helped me immensely to grow my Twitter account. As you can see below, this account was growing organically since May 2009 but there was very little activity on the account. The screen shot was taken on the 7th of Jan 2017 before I started the training. and I posted this on Facebook to keep track of my progress. You will notice that I have 1.5k impressions over a week. Click on Image for a larger screenshot. Results after 14 days of implementation Today screen shot taken as of 21st of Jan 2017, literally 14 days from the day I started implementing this Twitter Training, my twitter account has seen steady growth. Click on Image for a larger screenshot.

Get Access To The Free Twitter Training

[mlsp-cta campaign=”mysocialmediasecret” tracking=”blgpst-tw” popup=”true” layout=”wide” align=”left” buttonstyle=”button-blue-flat”]  

My Twitter Impressions

The first screen shot shows my impressions before applying this new training. 2.1k impressions over 14 days and on average 148 impressions per day. That sucks! Click on Image for a larger screenshot. Well, I will not say the same after applying the training. I must say it is pretty impressive. 41.2k impressions in 14 days (on 7th of Jan, I put the strategy to work) but can you see the progression, it’s on constant growth. Now I am averaging 2.9k impressions per day with my best day so far was 4.6k. Click on Image for a larger screenshot. I am literally following the 3 steps above to get these results. A lot of good things lies ahead. If you like this post and found it of value, please share it with your social media circle, it may help someone to grow their twitter following. Please leave your comments below about your thoughts on this strategy. Save Save
How To Share Your Blog Post Properly on Facebook

How To Share Your Blog Post Properly on Facebook

Blog image not posting properly on Facebook

Are you having issue on how to share your blog post properly on Facebook, like the image not showing up properly. then watch the short video that explains the issue I had and also how I was able to resolve it



The Issue

I want to share with you an issue I had yesterday when I was trying to Share a Blog Post on Facebook. When I pasted the link for my blog post, Facebook was pulling up an image from another post on my blog rather than the featured image. See the image below. Facebook pulled the image that shows up on the left and I was expecting to see the featured image that was on the right.


The Simple Solution

Well, what happened was that we need to clean up the Facebook cache. For this we have to use a developer debug tool kit. You then paste your blog post link in the area specified. At first it will come up with a bunch of error issues and the image may not show up. You may have to press on the Scrape Again button until you see the desired feature image.

Hope it solves the issue for you, let me know how it goes in the comments below.

Struggling To find Content For Your Blog?

You bet I was in the same situation for a while. Everyday I sat in front of my computer thinking about what can I share with world? How will get some content for blogging? Until, I came across my mentor Ray Higdon’s “3ME”3 Minute Expert. Ray lays it out in simple 5 step formula, how to get unlimited content ideas for your blog. Click here to learn more!

To your success!

Nurul Chowdhury





A New Year with  A New Start

A New Year with A New Start

Welcome to my Blog and Wishing Everyone a Happy New Year

I completed the build of this blog in December but decided to start fresh from the beginning of this year as I wanted to give my business a new start.

Yeah, it’s all in the belief you have for yourself.

Every year at the end of the year, I take a few days of to reflect on what actions I need to take for this coming new year. And this year, I really have a bunch of things in my list. I have been procrastinating for a while and it has to stop now, I need to come of my comfort zone and face all the challenges and fears with a brave heart. Wow, was that taken from a movie 🙂 LOL.

Anyways, I want to declare this on this first blog post so that I can come back to this post at the end of 2017 to see how far I have come and if I have really kept to my commitment. So here goes the list.

Get a new Smart Phone – DONE 🙂

Create an Instagram account – DONE 🙂 you can connect with me here @coachnurulchowdhury

Master Video – TO ACHIEVE. something I need to face hard and get doing videos to fill up my new Youtube channel –> SuccessWithNurul

Start Blogging – TO ACHIEVE. Yeah, I used to blog a lot, I still have my old blog but have not written a word since 2013. That is why this blog is a fresh start.

Facebook Live : TO ACHIEVE. Is that even possible for me. Well time will tell.

And the biggest commitment

I want to help as many people as I can to help create a side income or go full time and to help them gain time freedom and financial freedom so that they can be more with their family, get away from the 9 to 5 job.

Well, I am committed to getting this finished and I do need your support. Please keep coming and reading my blog and commenting, that will give me the energy and momentum to pursue my goals.

Let’s Start 2017 with a Bang!

Learn the secrets of Attraction Marketing that your upline has never taught you and is costing you leads and sign-up for your business. Top industry leaders reveal their secrets in this video series. Take advantage and become the leader that you are meant to be! Click Here To get Access!

To Your Success!

Nurul Chowdhury

