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A New Year with  A New Start

A New Year with A New Start

Welcome to my Blog and Wishing Everyone a Happy New Year

I completed the build of this blog in December but decided to start fresh from the beginning of this year as I wanted to give my business a new start.

Yeah, it’s all in the belief you have for yourself.

Every year at the end of the year, I take a few days of to reflect on what actions I need to take for this coming new year. And this year, I really have a bunch of things in my list. I have been procrastinating for a while and it has to stop now, I need to come of my comfort zone and face all the challenges and fears with a brave heart. Wow, was that taken from a movie 🙂 LOL.

Anyways, I want to declare this on this first blog post so that I can come back to this post at the end of 2017 to see how far I have come and if I have really kept to my commitment. So here goes the list.

Get a new Smart Phone – DONE 🙂

Create an Instagram account – DONE 🙂 you can connect with me here @coachnurulchowdhury

Master Video – TO ACHIEVE. something I need to face hard and get doing videos to fill up my new Youtube channel –> SuccessWithNurul

Start Blogging – TO ACHIEVE. Yeah, I used to blog a lot, I still have my old blog but have not written a word since 2013. That is why this blog is a fresh start.

Facebook Live : TO ACHIEVE. Is that even possible for me. Well time will tell.

And the biggest commitment

I want to help as many people as I can to help create a side income or go full time and to help them gain time freedom and financial freedom so that they can be more with their family, get away from the 9 to 5 job.

Well, I am committed to getting this finished and I do need your support. Please keep coming and reading my blog and commenting, that will give me the energy and momentum to pursue my goals.

Let’s Start 2017 with a Bang!

Learn the secrets of Attraction Marketing that your upline has never taught you and is costing you leads and sign-up for your business. Top industry leaders reveal their secrets in this video series. Take advantage and become the leader that you are meant to be! Click Here To get Access!

To Your Success!

Nurul Chowdhury



How my 4 year old daughter transformed my life!

Would you believe that my 4 year old daughter transformed my life style? It is still hard to believe but those 6 little sweet words struck me hard in my head.

“Dad you are never at home”

But before, I tell you my story, I want to let you in to why I am writing it in the first place. I keep hearing these stupid excuses all the time and it really frustrates me.

“It’s too late, my life is ruined”

“I won’t be able to succeed”

“My life is doomed”

“Oh you were lucky, I don’t have luck”

I keep telling my friends, colleagues and the people around me that “Nothing is Impossible in life”. Here is what I think and a firm believer of:

“If you have the will power to succeed, then you can achieve anything in life”

Ok let’s get to my story now.

The story goes back to 2002; this is when my transformation started. But I will go back a bit further to how I was and what happened next. It will make you understand why it was so important to change the life I was living.

In 1989, while I was working in my country Bangladesh for the French Electricity Company, I was offered to work at the head office in France.

I jumped on the opportunity and was enjoying the new life style in France. I had a nice pay, company accommodation and 4 return trips a year back to Bangladesh. What could someone ask for more!

Unfortunately, this happiness lasted only for 5 years until Dec 1994, when I was made redundant. The life had to continue, my wife joined me in France from Bangladesh in January 1995, and being unemployed, you can imagine how difficult it was to live a decent life.

I did not lose hope. I decided to take up the 1st job that came my way. In Aug 95, I finally managed to get a job as a barman in a big restaurant but the salary was minimum wage. But what the heck! At least I had money coming in.

After 3 months, I got a chance to become a waiter. This post was interesting as my salary was based on the percentage of Sales value and the extra was the tips you made. In some months it could amount to 30% – 40% of your basic salary. Money was good so was life.

We had our 1st daughter in October 1998. I was filled with joy and excitement. My daughter meant everything to me. Things started getting better for me. In 2000, we bought our 1st property, a 2 bedroom apartment. Before that we were living in a 1 bedroom apartment and now it was time to get to a bigger space for my daughter.

My job as a waiter continued in the restaurant. I was doing night shift. My day would start at 3pm and would end at 1am in the morning. I came back home at 2 am and slept till 9am in the morning. My day off was Monday and Tuesday.

Until now, I am sure you are saying when did my 4 year old daughter transform my life! Patience my friend, I am about to reveal to you right now!

It started in April 2002, my daughter was hardly 4 years old and started schooling as in France the children start pre-school at the age of 3.

So what happened?

Well, as I worked night shift and had holidays on Monday and Tuesday, I hardly saw my daughter. I was at home while she was at school.

Then one day, she looked into my eyes and asked the question “Dad, why are you never at home”. Tears ran down my eyes. I hugged her and said that I was sorry because I had to go to work. How could you make a 3 year old understand what work is?

Later, I started thinking. I said to myself

What am I doing?

What life am I leading that I can’t even give some time to my daughter?

What was the point of working and earning money if I can’t share the joy with my family?

Since that day, I became restless, deep in my thoughts, I was cursing myself. I need to change; I have to find a way to get back to a normal life.

The only way out of the restaurant life and odd working time was to rehabilitate myself. So I decided to take up further education. But if I go back to college then that means I won’t be able to work and that means no food for the family. So what do I do!

I kept researching for student scholarships for adults. After a month’s extensive search, I found the ideal course for me. But there was huge competition for the scholarship. “Heck, if you don’t try then you will not know if you will succeed”. Taking action and trying was more important than anything else.

So I took the entrance exam. Guess what! To my surprise, I was selected. Well, here is a start of a new life!

So for the next 1 year, I went through an intensive training course. The course and my salary for a year were fully subsidized by the scholarship. I worked hard. I was determined to succeed.

In May 2003, I achieved my Professional Qualification as an Accounting Technician and in September 2003, I was employed by the Practice where I did my 3 month internship.

Now, I enjoy my evenings and week-ends with my daughter and I see her growing up each day.

So what is the moral of this story?

I am a firm believer of these words “Where there is a will, there is a way”. If you really want to succeed in life then you have to ask for it. Nobody will give it to you in a silver plate. I was desperate to change my life and I have succeeded. Guess what my age was then. I was 37 when I took up my studies. So the age should not be a barrier or excuse.

I did not stop there. In 2006, at the age of 41, I moved to Ireland to get higher degree in Accounting and now I enjoy a better career achievement, respect and money.

There is no end to learning. In 2009, I took an interest in internet marketing. Well, the current economic conditions make you look for additional income and so did I.

I have built up a few websites around the passion I enjoy sharing with others “computers” and “cooking”. They are growing gradually. I am not yet an internet success but I am getting there with baby steps.

Success comes by sharing and I want to help as many people as I can through my stories and experience.

We all need a bit of guidance, a tap on the back and a lot of encouragement. I have learned from others and would love to pass it on to you.

I hope my story will inspire you and motivate you to take action. You know it is never too late.

Marketing Business From Home – Is It Really Possible?

Home Office
Creative Commons License photo credit: oliverlindner

Thousands are looking for starting a marketing business from home for various reasons. What could be the cause that interest people to look for Making Money Opportunity?

There are various factors which actually dictates the circumstances the person finds himself in. Many are Seeking for some extra revenu to pay their bills, Many are seeking to live a better life, some want to provide a high quality education for their children while others may be disgusted with their day job and are looking for getting out of this frustration.

Current recession period has made it hard for many to pay their monthly bills and mortgage repayments. Many have taken up extra jobs to meet their daily expenses. Obviously, this will have negative impact on the stardard of living and also physical and emotional well being of the person. It is ONE out of many reasons why people turn towards the Internet for additional home income opportunities. The choice is easily understood – either second income opportunity or quit definitively their day jobs.

Marketing Business From Home –  Is It Really Possible?

It  depends on how you actually interpret Make Money Opportunities.

For some it can be only a dream. Why? because if you believe that you can become rich by Make Money Opportunities as a total newbie within 30 or 90 days then you will be disappointed.Very few people have succeeded (hardly 1%), so what about the 99% who are still here on the Internet. I am not saying these programs don’t work, the guys who have created these programs have tested and tried before putting it to the market . They work well for them. Then why we don’t succeed because when we don’t see results  in a few months, we get frustrated and jump over to another program. We don’t stick to the same program and do not work consistently. We don’t try to test it to the full extent. We lack focus. You need to create your business mindset.

A durable business takes time to build up and as the time goes by, you build momentum, skills and knowledge which creates for you a successful online business that will continue to build income for you. I am not saying that what they are promoting is wrong. Obviously, it works for them as they know the system but for you as a newbie venturing in these methods will only bring you disappointment as there is a learning curve. It takes time to understand and master any new technique. You should also overcome Procrastination.

Yes it is possible to start a successful online business and overtime make it profitable which can make you a good amount of money. And of course, oneday you will be able to  fully concentrate on your online marketing business from the comfort of your home.

But before you start dreaming, there is a requirement for gathering  some fundamental knowledge for starting a Marketing Business from Home, you have to master some indispensable fundamental skills, knowledge and techniques. Without proper understanding of these concepts, you will find failure and will become desperate to do anything to succeed and that is where you fail. Fear and frustration are killers for business failures.

There is no panic but if you are desperate and want to earn quick money then this website is not for you. Sorry to say that but take from my experience, you don’t become rich in a day, I would rather buy a lotto ticket and try out my luck. I am a firm believer of durable business relationship and long term business success.

What are your thoughts about this?

Factors That Prevent People From Starting An Online Business

Is starting a Online Business difficult? Not really. With a computer and high speed Internet access, the potential for anyone to make money online is virtually limitless. In fact it depends on what type of income you really want to generate. There are many who are just looking for some extra income and while others would like to make it a full time employment from the comfort of their home. What makes it difficult for someone to take that step forward and start? Here are some questions people have asked me and these should not put you down from starting a home based business.

1. Do I have to be a salesperson?

No not at all. The time has changed and on the internet sales pitch work very rarely now-a-days. The business on the internet has taken a different turn now. People will buy from you if they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you. This follows a principle of attraction marketing. People are attracted towards you because you provide them value and they start liking and trusting you. You prove yourself to be a leader in your field and that is what in the long run generates a potential residual income for you. You have to think of your business as a long term investment.

2. What value can I provide or?

Well, I presume you do possess some qualities. Look into yourself. I am sure you have achieved professional experience, you must have some hobbies that you can share and communicate to your readers. There is a vast variety of opportunities on the internet and things that you can promote or sell. For example, you love gardening, don’t you think you could position yourself as a leader in the field of gardening and give them your valuable knowledge in gardening. There are a lot of products you can get from places like clickbank, paydotcom which you can be an affiliate and earn money from it.

There are many network marketing companies who provide valuable products to sell. Do some research on the internet and you may find the product which is of your taste and for which you will be able to bring value to your customers.

3. How do I promote?

That question is tricky but not hard to achieve. There are hundreds of ways of promoting your products or your website and attract visitors and make tons of money online. Some apply free traffic generations techniques like article marketing, social marketing, forum marketing…, which is a bit slower but very effective if you apply consistently while others use paid traffic generation techniques which can bring you rapid results. But if you are new to the internet then free methods can bring you good results and I would advice you to avoid the paid techniques as a mistake could be very costly for you.

4. How much time do I have to spend to earn money?

Honestly, it depends totally on your time availability. You have to find time for your online business. You could spend 2 hours a day and earn a decent income on the internet but to do that you need to follow a system and be consistent on a daily basis. Think of your business as a business and not as a hobby. Don’t fall into the get rich quick scams. I am a believer in the slow and steady wins the race and if you keep trying I am sure you can succeed.

5. I am not Internet Savvy?

Everybody is a beginner. It is not hard there are many companies out there who teach you how to market and brand yourself on the internet. If you want to really succeed on the internet, then you need to have some fundamental training and for that you have to spend some money. Personal development is very important. Imagine how many years would a doctor, an engineer or an accountant, have to study before they can practice their profession. Online business is the same, you don’t have to spend years but you do need some basic training to get yourself up and running.

If you’re new to being an entrepreneur, you probably need training. Look for a company that offers the tools and training you need in order to succeed. The type of training you receive can encompass everything from weekly conference calls or webinars (Internet-based seminars), to one-on-one coaching from your upline, to training manuals and other written materials.

The Success Lies Totally On YOU!!

When you’re sure you’re on the right road to success you don’t have to plan your journey too far ahead.

Don’t burden yourself with doubts and fears as to the obstacles that may bar your progress.

You don’t need to know all your answers in advance. Just have a clear idea of the goal you want to reach. You can only take one step at a time.

Once you muster up the courage to begin, you’ll find the courage to succeed. It’s the job you never start that always takes the longest to finish.

You can have all that you desire if you ACT on your dreams.

Never Say Never Again!!

There is no such thing as no chance.  Don’t think about the things you can’t do.  Think about the things you can do.

No matter what the level of your ability is, you have more potential than you can ever develop in a lifetime.

You have powers you never dreamed of.  You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations to what you can do except the limitations
of your own mind.

Your range of available choices right now is limitless. Look at things as they can be.

P.S. Are you’re sick and tired of endless nights online with little to no leads or money to show for it, it is time to take action and move on. Discover my exact strategies to generating free leads and signing up more reps on autopilot with social network marketing, Go here NOW!: => Yes Give It To Me.