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Search Engines Can Drive Hordes of Traffic To Your Blog

Creative Commons License photo credit: Danard Vincente

I am sure this is not new to anyone. Blogs can be an excellent method for building your list. And moreover it is a free traffic generation method. Every time you add new fresh contents to your blog, the search engines spiders will come and crawl your site. These are hungry spiders eagerly waiting for higly informative content to provide to the internet surfers. Why do you think Google is ranked as #1 search engine. Google always changes its algorithm so that it can locate the best content on the net for their readers.

Search engines are on the lookout for fresh content and valuable information. If the spiders like your content, they will index it and that means the search engine will be sending you quality traffic to your blog. The more your content appears in the search engine, more you will get traffic. It is important to note that your content should look like quality information and not a sales pitch. Spiders hate spammy contents and they will reject your hard done work.

Obviously, you would like to have some links in there. I suppose that is your main objective either to sell something or to build a list. One or two links are tolerated but more than that it looks like a sales pitch. So add value rather than a sales pitch.

A reasonable blog post could be around 500 words with a few paragraphs and headings. Use your primary keyword and secondary keyword in the headlines and text. Don’t over do it either.

Makes sure to add some images also. You can search for images from and use them in your blog as long as you give credit to the creator of the image. Google loves images and you will get good ranking for it.

Be consistent in your blog posting. Do a post on a regular basis using a relevant keyword in each of your post. You will get high ranking for that particular keyword. It is better to use long tail keywords (keywords more than 3 words) than short ones. Because there can be high competition and your objective is to get ranking quicker in the search engines.

When people are searching, they usually tend to type longer phrases to get the exact match to their search query therefore lower the volume of search better the chance of getting ranked on first page of Google. If you cannot get your link on the first few pages of search results then, it will most probably not be seen by people searching and they tend to do another search query if they are not satisfied. Therefore, it is very important to use keywords with low volume of search results. And if you end up on the first few pages, the chances are very good that you will get visitors to your site.

Google is the primary search engine on the net and it can send tons and tons of traffic, only if you have chosen the right keyword to rank for, and that tons and tons of traffic is may well be directed to your blog!

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How to Use Search Engine Optimizers?

Search engine optimization or SEO is the process of making a web site visible and friendly among search engines. It is most likely the most vital aspect of designing your web site. Several commercial web sites are designed and created by individuals who know little about SEO. The long page generally has the information and several other links that people need to know about to optimize a web site for search engines. You have to know more about the “search engines only index text”.

On Indexing

When designing and optimizing the web site, you have to keep in mind that they generally do not index images, Flash is not indexed excellently too. Even though there are several exceptions to the approach, search engines only index text, even though search engines have been improved and are more intelligent. They are also now more capable of indexing files like graphic file captions and PDFs, as well as some of the text in a given Flash file.

You can do several things when designing or redesigning a web site to get more treatment in the search engines. You can choose to optimize the home page for the most relevant and important keyword or key phrase, as well as other pages that can be optimized for the given product. If you choose to sell various products on various pages, every page can be optimized for the given product. You can organize items this way. You should use SEO on at least several pages to get the results you want. Do not optimize pages wherein you do not have public content. Avoid pages that have “private policy” and “contact us” as well.

Choose the Right Domain Name

The domain name may not be entirely substantial in changing your search results ranking, but it does help you become more visible to other web sites and target users. Try to use the same words or terms that best defines your topic. Try to view other existing sites and find out which domain names they use. I use Godaddy for all my domain purchases. Godaddy is very reliable and has an excellent 24/7 support.

Here is a Tip:

Do a keyword research with Google Adwords External Keywords Tool on the keyword you want for your domain name. Then select about 500 keywords and go to Godaddy. Now Select Domain, then Bulk Domain Name Registrations. Now paste the 500 keywords and press on the SEARCH button. Godaddy will do a search and produce of all the domain names available with that keyword. Now copy these domain names as .txt file and analyse them again before you buy your domain.

This method skips the manual process of searching one by one your domain names.

The Web Hosting Company

You should also invest in a good web hosting company. Free web site hosting can provide you with some visibility, but you should not expect to be at the top of the list. You should have your own static IP address, which means that the numeric IP address should be very stable. It should not differ each time someone types your URL, which is also referred to as a dynamic IP address. Huge hosting companies usually use dynamically assigned IP addresses that function the same way. Search engines prefer static IP addresses for several technical reasons.

Having a reliable hosting is very important. There are many reliable hosting out there, but I suppose you are looking for a long term business and it is important to be a part of a good one. For about  1 year I have been with Hostgator but a few months back I moved over to GVOHosting. The reason for such a change was because I wanted more marketing tools all in one place and also to minimise the cost of all other services I had externally.

GVOhosting provides you with reseller unlimited hosting, autresponder services, video hosting, video producing, video conferencing. This has helped me cut my costs dramatically. Moreover, their 24/7 service is excellent and it is a 12 year old company recently revamped and relaunched. They helped me migrate my 15 websites from Hostgator at one go and without losing any downturn on my websites. I would higly recommend GVOhosting to anyone looking for reliable hosting service and cost reduction. You can try out their $1 trial.

Final Tips

Aside from using the main keywords that your target market will most likely use, you should also incorporate secondary keywords to optimize your web site more. Keyword stemming is another useful approach, wherein you use words that have the same stem or come from the same root. The use of synonyms can be good for your web site too. You should try to optimize for synonyms of the target keywords, together with the main keywords.

Links are highly important if you want to rank high. Try to use as many backlinks as you can. Look for links from other related and similar sites. Look for the origin of inbound links as well.

How To Use SEO Effectively

Using SEO Effectively

Search Engine Optimization can be very effective, provided that you understand your target market very clearly and incorporate the right approaches that will get their attention. You do not need to spend so much time and money to get to the right people who will actually purchase your products. There are so many methods and techniques that you can use to make the most out of search engine optimizers. Here are some tips on how to rank well in the pages.

About the Title

The title has to be highly related to your content, consisting of the right words that your target customers will most likely type in the search engines. Make sure you use only the most unique and relevant title and meta description on each page. The title page is the most vital on-page SEO factor. You cannot expect to rank high for a primary term of 2 to 3 words without the words becoming part of the title page.

The meta description tag does not help you rank very high, but it is usually used as a text snippet below the listing. It should also include the useful keywords and be written the right way to entice searchers to go on and click on the listing. Ignore the keywords meta as a whole if you want. If you continue using it, you may place misspellings, as well as other related keywords that are not included in your webpage.

The Importance of the Users

Always write for the benefit of the users. Some of the biggest search engines use very powerful bots that crawl the web. However, the bots do not buy anything on the internet, inquire about a product or service or sign up for a newsletter. Always make sure that your content and pages are understandable and ignite the interest of your potential readers. You will need keywords in text, but do not stuff every page.

The content should be unique and relevant to the particular product or service that you are offering. Online retailers need to face the challenge of selling a product that several other companies and agents may also be offering. You need to boost your reputation and credibility and establish your place in the market. Research on the right keywords using different online programs. You can also hire professional ghost writers to make the most useful articles possible.

Added Visibility

You can use your keywords as anchor text when trying to link internally. The anchor text can help indicate to spiders what the linked-to page is about. Links that indicate “click here” do not function at all for the search engine visibility. You can build links intelligently as well. Submit your web site to different reliable directories. Look for links from authority sites in the industry. If local search is important for you, you can look for links from reliable sites within your area. Analyze the links coming in to other sites to search for links that you can also get.

Getting Attention

Start your own blog and join other related blogs as well. A number of big search engines like blogs for their fresh and unique data and content. You can also join the conversations and learn more about the industry you are entering. Joining blog site scan boost your exposure so you get new links every time. Read the article “Blog Posting – A Good Source of Inbound Links”

What is Search Engine Optimization?

A lot of businesses, both online and in real time are relying on the internet to hopefully acquire more visitors to their websites that will lead to more sales and income. The process of search engine optimization or SEO is fairly easy, provided that you understand the different approaches and invest in the right resources that will get you good targeted traffic. You have to understand the different factors that will make your web site more visible to the world.

Describing SEO

SEO or search engine optimization is the process of developing and boosting the quality and volume of traffic to a given website via search engines. Search engines will search for the most relevant web sites as visitors’ type in the given keywords through organic or algorithmic methods. In most cases, the earlier a website presents itself in the search results list, the higher number of visitors it will get from the search engine. Some of the most popular search engines include Yahoo and Google. SEO can target various types of search like images, local searches and vertical search engines that are industry-specific. Web presence is provided to the web site as you gain more relevance.

As an Internet Marketing Strategy

SEO is very much related to internet marketing. It considers how search engines function and what are the usual things that visitors on the internet look for. You can optimize the website by changing or editing the content, associated coding and HTML to boost its relevance to given keywords as well as eliminate barriers to the indexing functions of search engines.

SEO can also mean search engine optimizers. The term was coined by a group of consultants who function by optimizing projects for different clients. Some SEO services are performed in-house by specialised employees. The techniques of SEO can be included into the development and design of the website, since SEO effectiveness needs to change according to the HTML code of a given site. Being search-engine friendly usually means having the right website design i.e. having an appealing Look and Feel, content management systems, navigation tools, shopping carts, images and videos and menus to help optimize the site for increased search engine exposure.

More Strategies

There are different strategies that can be used to optimize visibility in search engines. According to eye tracking studies, searchers will scan search results pages from the top to bottom and left to right, to find relevant results. Positioning at the top or near the top of the rankings leads to increased number of searchers who will most likely visit your website. Having more search engine referrals do not usually guarantee added sales.

SEO is not truly the right strategy for every given website, since other internet marketing strategies can be more effective, depending on the objectives of the site operator. The success of the internet marketing campaign will ultimately drive organic traffic to your website, but you also have to incorporate other approaches like paid advertising and affiliates. Using these resources will help increase the people who will most likely be interested in your given products and services.

Your Investment

SEO help you generate your ROI or Return On Investment. Search engines are not paid by website owners if they get organic search traffic. The algorithms change, so you cannot be sure if you can stay at the top of the rankings. Updating your website content and boosting the elements that make a good website will help you get your money back quickly.