by Nurul Chowdhury | Blogging Tips And Techniques

photo credit: Danard Vincente
I am sure this is not new to anyone. Blogs can be an excellent method for building your list. And moreover it is a free traffic generation method. Every time you add new fresh contents to your blog, the search engines spiders will come and crawl your site. These are hungry spiders eagerly waiting for higly informative content to provide to the internet surfers. Why do you think Google is ranked as #1 search engine. Google always changes its algorithm so that it can locate the best content on the net for their readers.
Search engines are on the lookout for fresh content and valuable information. If the spiders like your content, they will index it and that means the search engine will be sending you quality traffic to your blog. The more your content appears in the search engine, more you will get traffic. It is important to note that your content should look like quality information and not a sales pitch. Spiders hate spammy contents and they will reject your hard done work.
Obviously, you would like to have some links in there. I suppose that is your main objective either to sell something or to build a list. One or two links are tolerated but more than that it looks like a sales pitch. So add value rather than a sales pitch.
A reasonable blog post could be around 500 words with a few paragraphs and headings. Use your primary keyword and secondary keyword in the headlines and text. Don’t over do it either.
Makes sure to add some images also. You can search for images from and use them in your blog as long as you give credit to the creator of the image. Google loves images and you will get good ranking for it.
Be consistent in your blog posting. Do a post on a regular basis using a relevant keyword in each of your post. You will get high ranking for that particular keyword. It is better to use long tail keywords (keywords more than 3 words) than short ones. Because there can be high competition and your objective is to get ranking quicker in the search engines.
When people are searching, they usually tend to type longer phrases to get the exact match to their search query therefore lower the volume of search better the chance of getting ranked on first page of Google. If you cannot get your link on the first few pages of search results then, it will most probably not be seen by people searching and they tend to do another search query if they are not satisfied. Therefore, it is very important to use keywords with low volume of search results. And if you end up on the first few pages, the chances are very good that you will get visitors to your site.
Google is the primary search engine on the net and it can send tons and tons of traffic, only if you have chosen the right keyword to rank for, and that tons and tons of traffic is may well be directed to your blog!
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by Nurul Chowdhury | Blogging Tips And Techniques
Assuming you want your blog to rake in cash, you’re going to have to go about it in the right way. Sure, you could probably manage to make a little bit of money here and there simply via advertisement revenue and by promoting certain offers – but this probably isn’t going to bring in the sort of riches that you dream of.
Truth is, if you’re set on making as much cash as you can from your blog, you’re going to need to ensure that you’ve covered all your bases and are tweaked them so that every aspect of your money making process is performing in tip top condition.
How do you do that? Well, the best place to start is to look at each ingredient of a successful money making blog individually:
1. Traffic
More traffic normally means more sales. At least, it definitely means more potential customers which in turn means that you should be making more sales than previously. Course, traffic is a very wide topic and there are countless ways in which you could generate it – so what you need to do is pursue as many of these as possible.
While you’re at it you should also be aware that you’re looking for as highly targeted traffic as you can. Using keywords, you should find that you’re able to achieve this well.
2. Conversion Rates
How many of the potential customers that visit your blog actually end up buying stuff from it? In a nutshell, that’s your conversion rate (though it is normally measured as a percentage, i.e. X% meaning X sales per 100 potential customers). Ensuring that your conversion rate is as high as possible is an extremely good idea because it means that you’re going to be taking advantage of more of your traffic.
By capitalizing on as much of your traffic as possible, you’ll be getting the most out of your efforts, and not ‘wasting’ any of the traffic you’ve worked so hard to obtain.
3. Repeat Customers
Having made the effort to clinch a sale with one customer, it would be a crying shame if you simply let them leave and never hear from them again. Seeing as they’ve already bought something from you it means that they are interested in the niche that you’re in, and more importantly – they’re willing to buy products in that niche!
So if you could just take down their details, you should be able to turn them into repeat customers (or at least stand a good chance of doing so).
Yes, we’re talking about list building, though nowadays using things such as Twitter can be just as good. End of the day, the choice is yours so long as you’re able to set up some system whereby you can continue to market to your proven buyers.
If you’re able to take care of each and every one of these key ingredients, you’ll quickly find that you’re able to turn your own blog into a successful money making blog too! None of this is really all that tough, and now that you know what you should be looking at, why don’t you head over to your own blog and see what you can improve!
If you’re tired of barely scrapping by and are ready to finally make some money online with blogging, you need to check out Bloggers Payback:
Bloggers Pay-Back-Time