by Nurul Chowdhury | Affiliate marketing, Article Marketing, Blogging Tips And Techniques
Ok so you have tried most paid marketing platforms such as ppc marketing adwords, media buying and what not. The affiliate marketer’s tool box for promotions is ever growing resulting in mass confusion. You will find more and more wannabe Gurus advocate the next best thing since sliced bread when it comes to making a quick buck online. If you’ve got more SEO tools than money coming in, it’s time to take a look at your marketing strategies and pay close attention.
Years ago adwords was king with most internet marketers trying to master adwords to make a killing in their niche. Some very smart marketers have made millions using PPC and adwords, Perry Marshall being the classic example.
The problem I see daily is that unless you know what you are doing with paid ppc you will see your campaign budget literally disappear overnight.
There is a science to adwords that not many people can master in a short period of time. Especially newbie’s who are setting up campaigns left right and centre.
With the hefty cost per clicks involved in any adwords campaign you need to be looking at the ROI you are getting for your troubles and money invested. The trouble here is keeping up with Google’s changing algorithms, constantly being slapped and sent to implement black hat underground techniques, which don’t work in the long run.
Yahoo MSN and Bing are following the trend. Although it’s been said that MSN and Yahoo have great conversion rates. There is a better way of getting fast targeted results.
What if you knew of a secret marketing strategy that allowed you to buy traffic at insanely low prices? I’m talking cents here and not $10 dollars a click.
The Internet marketing industry is becoming more a more aggressive with thousands of people joining the online community every single day, backed by wannabe gurus who are teaching them that they can make quick money online. Leaving them out in the cold while they rake in 6 figure commission checks in their sleep.
Forget the Buzzword make money fast. The New Buzzword is Mass PPV Traffic at wholesale prices.
You can make money fast if you know the secret marketing techniques used by the real Gurus in the know, quite frankly you will not hear about their secret techniques that they use to rake in thousands of dollars a month.
Get Mass PPV here and jumpstart the traffic to your sites. Mass PPV Traffic
by Nurul Chowdhury | Article Marketing
Hi Guys,
There are many ways to increase the amount of traffic to your website, and one of the most effective methods is known as viral marketing.
To use viral marketing to it’s fullest potential, you’ll want to employ many different techniques into the marketing plan of your site.
Some include great looking graphics, pre written emails, integration marketing strategies, pre-written articles and blog posts, etc.
All of the above will help to increase the traffic to your site by offering incentive for your existing members so they will do the work for you.
But one of the best and under-utilized viral techniques of them all is by providing a simple way for your existing members to tell their friends about your product or service.
Trusted endorsements by friends is the best form of advertising bar-none.
And what’s even better is it costs nothing to implement.
Many tell-a-friend scripts have came out and have been effective to a certain degree, but they lacked the features necessary to cause a viral wave of traffic that we’d all love to experience on our sites.
Well, the same guy who created the most incredible Viral Marketing script that has revolutionized the internet marketing industry and made viral marketing easy
for virtually everyone has just created a new tool that has been responsible for over $209,349 in extra sales just from two beta testers using it in it’s raw form.
The marketer is Mike Filsaime, and the new tool is
Viral Friend Generator.
He just launched the completed version and I am thoroughly impressed.
Viral Friend Generator is the next evolution in tell-a-friend technology.
In less than five minutes (the time it takes you to fill in the form and upload to your server)… you can literally multiply the number of visitors and subscribers your web site receives by 300% or higher!
It is compatible with all of the major autoresponder services out there and has many incredible features that every other tell-a-friend script just cannot compete with at all.
Put your marketing efforts into high gear with this extremely powerful new and easy to use tool that was put together by the Viral Marketing Expert of experts, Mike Filsaime.
Visit: Viral Friend Generator
To your success,

by Nurul Chowdhury | Personal Development
Here we go again. I just started a new training program. Well you know there is never an end to learning. The more you invest in your personal development the better are your chances of success. There is no age or time to learning.
After I received my first lesson, I was so excited with all the contents I received that I totally forgot about this blog. But from what I learned today, I thought of sharing them with you here. It is nothing new to me but it is always better to rewash your brain as we sometimes forget our good habits and tend to enjoy our bad habits.
I received about 10 step by step videos to proceed with. As is my nature, I like to go through all the content, before I start any work. My first lesson started with Focus and Mindset. I imagine that this is taught by all the leaders in this industry.
I think you will agree with me that it is one of the most important things one should master. Focus and Mindset are two important factors to be successful, no matter what your goals are. We start learning this when we are at school. I remember my parents and teachers advising me to stay always concentrated on what you do and to do only one thing at a time. At that time it was easy because you had lesser distraction. Well for me the only distraction was that I was crazy about football and would do anything to avoid studying. Not that I was bad in studies just that I did not like spending hours on lessons.
But gradually as the years go buy we tend to deviate from this. We forget what we have learned and lose track of what we are doing. We find that we get easily distracted. We want to do tons of things at the same time. We are very disorganised. All these are parts of bad habits that we accumulate as we become more adult. We forget all the good things that we have learned when we were kids and start enjoying the bad habits.
Another important factor is being consistent
Let us take from my personal example, I have never managed to be a model student, I used to focus just 15-20 days before the exams and really concentrate on my studies and that is how I succeeded. But the sad part is that if I had applied this technique consistently all year round then may be I could have scored the highest marks. If you can imagine the effort I made in 15-20 days, gave me moderately satisfying results but if I had put that same effort all year round, can you guess what could be the outcome. You bet the best of the best. Just joking. Well, even with these low rate of studies, I have managed to become number one several times.
Do you know why? Because I was determined to succeed. I always had a target and that kept me thriving for excellence. Even today, it is always a challenge and that is how I have set my goals.
The same principles apply for your online business. You have to be consistent and apply the same techniques over and over again if you want to see excellent results and outcomes. Do not do it for a day and come back again after a week or so.
Say for example; you write good articles and you have achieved some good audiences. These audiences would subscribe to your newsletter hoping to get more from you and if you don’t offer them on a regular basis then they would lose interest in you and you may as well lose the opportunity to make them profitable.
So be consistent in what you are doing and DO IT NON STOP.
by Nurul Chowdhury | Blogging Tips And Techniques
Assuming you want your blog to rake in cash, you’re going to have to go about it in the right way. Sure, you could probably manage to make a little bit of money here and there simply via advertisement revenue and by promoting certain offers – but this probably isn’t going to bring in the sort of riches that you dream of.
Truth is, if you’re set on making as much cash as you can from your blog, you’re going to need to ensure that you’ve covered all your bases and are tweaked them so that every aspect of your money making process is performing in tip top condition.
How do you do that? Well, the best place to start is to look at each ingredient of a successful money making blog individually:
1. Traffic
More traffic normally means more sales. At least, it definitely means more potential customers which in turn means that you should be making more sales than previously. Course, traffic is a very wide topic and there are countless ways in which you could generate it – so what you need to do is pursue as many of these as possible.
While you’re at it you should also be aware that you’re looking for as highly targeted traffic as you can. Using keywords, you should find that you’re able to achieve this well.
2. Conversion Rates
How many of the potential customers that visit your blog actually end up buying stuff from it? In a nutshell, that’s your conversion rate (though it is normally measured as a percentage, i.e. X% meaning X sales per 100 potential customers). Ensuring that your conversion rate is as high as possible is an extremely good idea because it means that you’re going to be taking advantage of more of your traffic.
By capitalizing on as much of your traffic as possible, you’ll be getting the most out of your efforts, and not ‘wasting’ any of the traffic you’ve worked so hard to obtain.
3. Repeat Customers
Having made the effort to clinch a sale with one customer, it would be a crying shame if you simply let them leave and never hear from them again. Seeing as they’ve already bought something from you it means that they are interested in the niche that you’re in, and more importantly – they’re willing to buy products in that niche!
So if you could just take down their details, you should be able to turn them into repeat customers (or at least stand a good chance of doing so).
Yes, we’re talking about list building, though nowadays using things such as Twitter can be just as good. End of the day, the choice is yours so long as you’re able to set up some system whereby you can continue to market to your proven buyers.
If you’re able to take care of each and every one of these key ingredients, you’ll quickly find that you’re able to turn your own blog into a successful money making blog too! None of this is really all that tough, and now that you know what you should be looking at, why don’t you head over to your own blog and see what you can improve!
If you’re tired of barely scrapping by and are ready to finally make some money online with blogging, you need to check out Bloggers Payback:
Bloggers Pay-Back-Time