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What is Coaching

Extract for International Coach Federation (ICF)

“Coaching is an ongoing collaborative partnership that helps  a client produce fulfilling results both in your personal and professional life.

Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their self discovery, their learning, improve their performance and enhance their quality of life.

Beginning with the client’s desires, coaching uses reporting, exploring and a consistent commitment to move the client forward.

Coaching accelerates the client’s progress by providing greater focus and awareness of choice. Coaching concentrates on where clients are today and what they are willing to do to get where they want to be tomorrow”

In simple words, coaching is process where a coach works with the client to help them achieve their maximum potential in life and business/career.

We all have challenges and things don’t work the way we want it to. Coaching is all about getting you unstuck from your present state to a positive and empowering state where you start seeing results that desire.

Coaching is really task-oriented. A coach helps you determine your action steps to reach your goals but it is the client’s role to commit in doing those action steps. Every action moves you one step further.

Why Coaching Works

Coaching is client focused which means it is you who determines what is best for you, why it is best for you. The coaching process is focused on your needs at the moment, you are your own boss and you know what will work best for you. You set your own goals, which makes you hold accountable to yourself. Well, if you don’t execute then you are simply disappointing yourself and no one else.

As your coach, I am there to help you identify your challenges and help you design a plan of action to overcome those hurdles. I will hold you accountable so that you can get to your desired level of success.

Some areas of focus where coaching can be applied, are you in any of these situations?

  • Do you want to live to your full potential?
  • What is your life purpose, why are you here?
  • Are you struggling with prioritizing your day/week?
  • Would you like to be more organised?
  • Would you like to have less stress?
  • Do you need a better work/life balance?
  • Would you like to have more time for yourself, your family or friends?
  • Would you like to improve the quality of your life?

 Is coaching right for you?

Coaching requires a level of commitment from you and a desire to change.  As your coach, I will work with you to help you develop ideas and plans to achieve results in your personal life and in your business.  If you can say yes to the following then you are open to the possibilities of coaching.

  • You are committed to make a change
  • You are determined to take responsibility for improving your current situation?
  • You are ready for the next big challenge?
  • You are committed to spend some time each week on yourself
  • You are willing to be honest with yourself and your coach?
  • You are committed to making financial investment to improve your future