by Nurul Chowdhury | Affiliate marketing, Article Marketing, Blogging Tips And Techniques
Participating in Affiliate Programs can bring in extra revenue. The key to increasing your income is to get your readers interested in your topics. Unlike traditional methods of earning revenue where you get paid per clicks or impressions, affiliates are paid only when a reader performs an action. For example a reader might purchase a product that you promote through your affiliate links or signing up for a newsletter. Just by merely promoting the offer, you will not get paid.
The art lies in driving curiosity and stimulating the reader to click on that affiliate link. Then only this action will turn out to be fruitful and who knows there may be a nice commission waiting for you on the other side.
Here are some things that you may want to do to create that stimulation.
Write what your audience wants?
The most successful way to use affiliate programs is to anticipate and meet the needs of your readers. This can be a very thought-provoking action to take from your part. Many a times I got stuck writing articles because I was trying to imagine what my readers were looking for when they came to my site.
The easiest way to start is to write articles on the products that you promote. It is important to keep in mind that while you are promoting your product you are considering on giving a solution to your audience and not just for the sake of earning an income stream from them. The product that you are promoting needs to add value to your readers.
Keep your products and advertisement on your website consistent with what your articles are about.
Say for example, if you are writing about affiliate marketing then distracting ads like “gardening products” will annoy your readers and they may never come back to your website.
But on the other hand, good content will make your readers want to subscribe to your newsletter and would tempt them to revisit your website.
Building Trust And Confidence
Many newbies have had a bad experience in promoting their affiliate programs. They kept on promoting product after product on their sites/blogs. Some blogs look like a market place with banners and ads all over the place. I am one of those examples when I first started blogging.
My impression was that by placing all these advertisements I am going to get rich. But hey! it really did not happen that way. When I looked at my stats, I hardly used to have a click on my ads although I had traffic coming to my blog on a regular basis.
The idea here is to create a long term relationship with your reader. Don’t expect that your reader will get excited with your product on the first visit. They would like to know you better and learn more about your product before they may decide to buy your product.
Readers are savvy. They know an affiliate link when they see one. If you break their trust by promoting a product you don’t believe in or take advantage of their visit with too many ads, they will leave and never come back.
It is your repeat visitors that will drive traffic. They are the ones who will give you linkbacks, spread the word, and recommend your site as the go-to place for valuable content. You need to build a relationship based on genuine content.
If your visitors don’t think you’re being honest, they won’t read anything else you have to say
by Nurul Chowdhury | Affiliate marketing, Article Marketing, Blogging Tips And Techniques
Ok so you have tried most paid marketing platforms such as ppc marketing adwords, media buying and what not. The affiliate marketer’s tool box for promotions is ever growing resulting in mass confusion. You will find more and more wannabe Gurus advocate the next best thing since sliced bread when it comes to making a quick buck online. If you’ve got more SEO tools than money coming in, it’s time to take a look at your marketing strategies and pay close attention.
Years ago adwords was king with most internet marketers trying to master adwords to make a killing in their niche. Some very smart marketers have made millions using PPC and adwords, Perry Marshall being the classic example.
The problem I see daily is that unless you know what you are doing with paid ppc you will see your campaign budget literally disappear overnight.
There is a science to adwords that not many people can master in a short period of time. Especially newbie’s who are setting up campaigns left right and centre.
With the hefty cost per clicks involved in any adwords campaign you need to be looking at the ROI you are getting for your troubles and money invested. The trouble here is keeping up with Google’s changing algorithms, constantly being slapped and sent to implement black hat underground techniques, which don’t work in the long run.
Yahoo MSN and Bing are following the trend. Although it’s been said that MSN and Yahoo have great conversion rates. There is a better way of getting fast targeted results.
What if you knew of a secret marketing strategy that allowed you to buy traffic at insanely low prices? I’m talking cents here and not $10 dollars a click.
The Internet marketing industry is becoming more a more aggressive with thousands of people joining the online community every single day, backed by wannabe gurus who are teaching them that they can make quick money online. Leaving them out in the cold while they rake in 6 figure commission checks in their sleep.
Forget the Buzzword make money fast. The New Buzzword is Mass PPV Traffic at wholesale prices.
You can make money fast if you know the secret marketing techniques used by the real Gurus in the know, quite frankly you will not hear about their secret techniques that they use to rake in thousands of dollars a month.
Get Mass PPV here and jumpstart the traffic to your sites. Mass PPV Traffic
by Nurul Chowdhury | Article Marketing
Hi Guys,
There are many ways to increase the amount of traffic to your website, and one of the most effective methods is known as viral marketing.
To use viral marketing to it’s fullest potential, you’ll want to employ many different techniques into the marketing plan of your site.
Some include great looking graphics, pre written emails, integration marketing strategies, pre-written articles and blog posts, etc.
All of the above will help to increase the traffic to your site by offering incentive for your existing members so they will do the work for you.
But one of the best and under-utilized viral techniques of them all is by providing a simple way for your existing members to tell their friends about your product or service.
Trusted endorsements by friends is the best form of advertising bar-none.
And what’s even better is it costs nothing to implement.
Many tell-a-friend scripts have came out and have been effective to a certain degree, but they lacked the features necessary to cause a viral wave of traffic that we’d all love to experience on our sites.
Well, the same guy who created the most incredible Viral Marketing script that has revolutionized the internet marketing industry and made viral marketing easy
for virtually everyone has just created a new tool that has been responsible for over $209,349 in extra sales just from two beta testers using it in it’s raw form.
The marketer is Mike Filsaime, and the new tool is
Viral Friend Generator.
He just launched the completed version and I am thoroughly impressed.
Viral Friend Generator is the next evolution in tell-a-friend technology.
In less than five minutes (the time it takes you to fill in the form and upload to your server)… you can literally multiply the number of visitors and subscribers your web site receives by 300% or higher!
It is compatible with all of the major autoresponder services out there and has many incredible features that every other tell-a-friend script just cannot compete with at all.
Put your marketing efforts into high gear with this extremely powerful new and easy to use tool that was put together by the Viral Marketing Expert of experts, Mike Filsaime.
Visit: Viral Friend Generator
To your success,

by Nurul Chowdhury | Article Marketing
The main ingredient in cooking up an article recipe is a large dose of creativity. While creativity can be natural to some, others just get stuck and that can drive them crazy. Many writers have literally torn their hair out when they get stuck and just can’t seem to get their creativity flowing.
Writing has been one of the oldest and most effective techniques in attracting targeted prospects to sites and seen a high rate of conversion into buyers. This is why article writing, submissions and publications are also getting popular.
Tons of tools out there that people can use to make the process of distributing their articles much easier. But ineffective use of such tools may not get the exposure it requires. But the tools are useless if the content they are using is meaningless.
Let us take a look first at the common mistakes that some people make before submitting their contents to article directories:
1. Why are You Promoting The article, A Huge Confusion?
The key benefit from promoting your articles is to get: popularity, branding, lead generation and promotion, which are all part of your optimization efforts.
The reason behind writing an article is to inform your targeted audience. If the article is not focused on your primary objective and most important purpose, it will fail to achieve the key benefits behind writing the article as the readers will be distracted from what they are looking for and you will get audience but of little or no interest to your primary objective.
You need to figure out first how to get people to read what is in your article, then, make them click on your resource box. You can achieve this by producing better contents.
2. Failure To Direct Audience Back To Your Site.
It can be a disaster to your promotional opportunities of article marketing, if you cannot direct them back to your original site.
Your articles submitted to different directories help you generate additional links back to your site. Not only that more visitors you get to your site better the ranking by search engines. So you get double advantage. Killing two birds with one stone.
But these things do not put much money in your pocket. There are other factors that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity that can boost your earnings. Not just increase the number of visitors to your site.
Start out with a plan and see to it that your article will serve the function that you intended it to have.
3. Publishing content For The Sake of Doing It.
Most common error people do is not writing to create value for the readers but focusing on the primary objective which is getting links back to your site, irrespective of the visitors’ interest. As long as it gets loads of visitors to your site and generates traffic it is fine.
Your focus should be also be to create popularity as people who like your content will come back to you and will also bring their friends.
Finally, it is all really a matter of choice on your part. You can start getting a little exposure from increased links back but on a very basic level. Or enjoy massive exposure from a little extra time making quality contents.
It will be your choice. You may not be aware of the fact that an article submitted on directories is not meant to have the same level of exposure as highly-targeted content ones geared on a narrow group of people.
Learn the difference between these two and it will surely help you know what kinds of articles to write and to submit.
This is how David Optimizes His Business Opportunity through Article Submission
My Good Friend David Wood’s Article Marketing Strategies.
David is not what we would say a Top Internet Marketer. He started about three months back with MLSP (my marketing company) but he has broken all records. In just three months what he has achieved is remarkable. A person really devoted in what he is doing and trying to achieve results of Top Quality.
Last week he presented us in a webinar his new Article Marketing Strategy. He has just invented killing lead generation system using article submission to various directories. Last week, we had live demonstration of his secret strategy. He uses a 4 step method. He is generated in one day 50 leads and this was live demonstration of his auto responder account. I was dumbfounded. I could not imagine how he could make so much success.
The process is nothing completed but one has to really think about it from a different angle. Not only has he been able to generate leads (and FREE LEADS) but also has ranked #1 for many of his written articles.
Then yesterday, after many request from the MLSP members, he presented again his new strategy and this time his record was again broken by getting 74 leads in one day. He is on his way to become one of the Top Internet Marketers.
Guess what it takes only an hour a day for David to realise this success. His Secret Strategy has become a valuable asset for MLSP members. Like other webinars from other Top Earners, both of David’s two webinars have been recorded in the back office for use by current members and all new members joining MLSP
If you wish to learn his secret strategies and other Free lead generation strategies, then do put your name and email address and join our MLSP. You will be joining the Top Most Marketing Company on the internet. No matter what business you are in, our free marketing strategies will be valuable for your business.
So See You On The Other Side.
by Nurul Chowdhury | Article Marketing
We did a training last week that was ridiculous
We had a guy come out and show EXACTLY how he was generating as many as 50 leads PER DAY absolutely f*r*e*e…
Well, he just beat that record and hit 74 leads PER DAY with the same strategy!
How would 74 leads per day spending ZERO dollars on marketing affect YOUR business?
We’re going to bring him back this week to re-visit this strategy because it is so incredibly powerful, and more importantly one of the tools he uses
religiously just had a few updates, which we want to cover to ensure you understand each step in this 4-step process.
And there’s actually a secret 5th step, which I’ve talked him into giving to YOU for F*R*E*E this Wednesday night only!
It involves articles, html, .exe, ebooks, xml files, software directories, & ftp… AND IT’S VERY ADVANCED… but this is where we separate the 3% from the 97%.
This Wednesday at 9:00 PM EST it’s all YOURS at no cost… REGISTER NOW and get there early because last week we completely maxed out…
you do NOT, you can NOT afford to miss this call: This is only for members. So if you want to benefit then join on the link below and I will send you the link to the webinar
All you need to do to take advantage of these free webinars is to TEST DRIVE our marketing system for $1 and you get 14 days to try all our strategies. and they are FREE.
So join in the link today and profit from the free trainings. Explode your business with the FEE TECHNIQUES AND STRATEGIES. Who said you need to pay for getting leads.
MLM Domination Blueprint
So see you at the top