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Make Your Dreams A Reality

You have the power and the opportunity to change your life. You can make anything you want of it. It’s not difficult, it just takes some effort.

See things as you would have them be instead of as they are. Develop a personal plan that focuses on what you want, not on what you have.

Your imagination will show you how to turn possibility into reality. Visualize your goals and your subconscious will work toward making those mental picture come true.

When you picture yourself as vividly winning, that alone will contribute immeasurably to your success.

Knowing your destination is all you need to get there.

Happiness Lies In The Joy Of Achievement

Happiness lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. The human spirit needs to accomplish, to achieve, to triumph to be happy.

Happiness does not come from doing easy work.  but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demands your best.

Your personal growth itself contains the seed of happiness.  You cannot pursue happiness by itself.  There is no happiness except in the realization that you have accomplished something.

Happiness thrives in activity.  It’s a running river, not a stagnant pond.

Credits go to Your Daily Motivation for sharing this with us

How to Use Search Engine Optimizers?

Search engine optimization or SEO is the process of making a web site visible and friendly among search engines. It is most likely the most vital aspect of designing your web site. Several commercial web sites are designed and created by individuals who know little about SEO. The long page generally has the information and several other links that people need to know about to optimize a web site for search engines. You have to know more about the “search engines only index text”.

On Indexing

When designing and optimizing the web site, you have to keep in mind that they generally do not index images, Flash is not indexed excellently too. Even though there are several exceptions to the approach, search engines only index text, even though search engines have been improved and are more intelligent. They are also now more capable of indexing files like graphic file captions and PDFs, as well as some of the text in a given Flash file.

You can do several things when designing or redesigning a web site to get more treatment in the search engines. You can choose to optimize the home page for the most relevant and important keyword or key phrase, as well as other pages that can be optimized for the given product. If you choose to sell various products on various pages, every page can be optimized for the given product. You can organize items this way. You should use SEO on at least several pages to get the results you want. Do not optimize pages wherein you do not have public content. Avoid pages that have “private policy” and “contact us” as well.

Choose the Right Domain Name

The domain name may not be entirely substantial in changing your search results ranking, but it does help you become more visible to other web sites and target users. Try to use the same words or terms that best defines your topic. Try to view other existing sites and find out which domain names they use. I use Godaddy for all my domain purchases. Godaddy is very reliable and has an excellent 24/7 support.

Here is a Tip:

Do a keyword research with Google Adwords External Keywords Tool on the keyword you want for your domain name. Then select about 500 keywords and go to Godaddy. Now Select Domain, then Bulk Domain Name Registrations. Now paste the 500 keywords and press on the SEARCH button. Godaddy will do a search and produce of all the domain names available with that keyword. Now copy these domain names as .txt file and analyse them again before you buy your domain.

This method skips the manual process of searching one by one your domain names.

The Web Hosting Company

You should also invest in a good web hosting company. Free web site hosting can provide you with some visibility, but you should not expect to be at the top of the list. You should have your own static IP address, which means that the numeric IP address should be very stable. It should not differ each time someone types your URL, which is also referred to as a dynamic IP address. Huge hosting companies usually use dynamically assigned IP addresses that function the same way. Search engines prefer static IP addresses for several technical reasons.

Having a reliable hosting is very important. There are many reliable hosting out there, but I suppose you are looking for a long term business and it is important to be a part of a good one. For about  1 year I have been with Hostgator but a few months back I moved over to GVOHosting. The reason for such a change was because I wanted more marketing tools all in one place and also to minimise the cost of all other services I had externally.

GVOhosting provides you with reseller unlimited hosting, autresponder services, video hosting, video producing, video conferencing. This has helped me cut my costs dramatically. Moreover, their 24/7 service is excellent and it is a 12 year old company recently revamped and relaunched. They helped me migrate my 15 websites from Hostgator at one go and without losing any downturn on my websites. I would higly recommend GVOhosting to anyone looking for reliable hosting service and cost reduction. You can try out their $1 trial.

Final Tips

Aside from using the main keywords that your target market will most likely use, you should also incorporate secondary keywords to optimize your web site more. Keyword stemming is another useful approach, wherein you use words that have the same stem or come from the same root. The use of synonyms can be good for your web site too. You should try to optimize for synonyms of the target keywords, together with the main keywords.

Links are highly important if you want to rank high. Try to use as many backlinks as you can. Look for links from other related and similar sites. Look for the origin of inbound links as well.

How Can RSS Feeds Help You With Your Internet Marketing

What’s a Feed?

Feeds are a way of sharing content. When you make material from your website available for publishing on other sites, you provide them with a feed. Basically, it’s a code that lets them post your articles and blogs. There are different kinds of code—XML, RSS, Atom, etc.—but essentially they’re all just different ways of accessing a feed.

According to internet expert Sydney Johnston, “The great thing about a feed is everybody wins.” The article writer gains exposure, the reader learns about something of interest to them, and the online seller gets an endless source of pertinent content.

What Can a Feed Do for My Online Business?

Feeds are useful in a number of different ways:

They Eliminate Spam-filters. They’re 100% opt-in, so readers can subscribe and unsubscribe at will. Feeds are delivered directly to your subscribers, so you don’t contend with filters knocking you out of their inboxes.

• They Provide Free Content. One of the best ways to differentiate your site is to supply readers with interesting material—educate them on topics relating to the product you’re selling. If you sell preschool toys, chances are you don’t want to study child development and write numerous articles on the subject—so find someone else who’s already done that and make their feed available to your customers. The constantly updating, applicable subject matter gives your visitors a reason to keep coming back.

• They Can Improve Your Search Engine Rankings. In the past, search engines were unable to read feeds, but software is now available to translate them into live links the engines can see. Search engines love fresh, dynamic content, so feeds are ideal. They provide relevant information that updates automatically. Not only do your customers get the facts they’re looking for, but the search engines like your site and give it better position.

• They’re an Alternative to Banners. You not only give your customer valuable knowledge, but if they click through and purchase something, you get credit. And unlike with banners, you don’t look like you’re putting up junk ads or spam.

• They Can Increase Your Traffic. Anything you write, you should make available as a feed. When other sites pick it up, it’s free advertising for you—all their traffic is able to click through the feed to your site. So you gain new potential customers you wouldn’t have otherwise.

Hope this article was helpful.

All Personal Growth Involves Change!!

Personal growth is the process of responding positively to change. It involves risk as you step from the known to the unknown.

All your growth will depend on your activity. Your strength and growth will come only through continuous effort and struggle. There will be no development without effort.

Trouble is the common denominator of living. It is the great equalizer of life. Your trials, your sorrows and your grief’s will develop you.

When good or bad fortune comes your way, you must give it meaning and transform it into something of value.

What happens to you is not as important as your reaction to what is happening.

You Have The Power If You Have The Desire!!

Your dreams will come true if you have the desire to pursue them. You must believe in yourself.

Know in your heart that you can do the job that you set out to do. You are never given a wish without also given the power to make it come true.

The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it.

Everything is possible if you believe it’s possible.  It’s your mind that sets your limits.  What you envision you can do, you can do.

Start thinking of yourself as a success and success will follow.  You can because you think you can. Success is a state of mind, you have the power if you have the desire.