Essential Facebook Marketing Tips For Your Business
Here are some essential Facebook marketing tips you can apply for your business today.
Many businesses don’t take Facebook seriously. Would you believe that Facebook is one of the most powerful marketing tools you can apply for marketing your products and services. I bet you are saying “TRUE” but it does not apply for my business because I am a local shop owner. What good will it do for my business. Let me tell you that it does not matter if you are an online marketer or an offline marketer selling hard goods. It works for any business. Yes, of course, only if you use it the right way.
“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” ~ Peter F. Drucker
Facebook is your opportunity to get in front of your target audience with your unique message. It’s all about attracting people to you and your content. It’s about sharing valuable information to your audience that will benefit them.
Not many marketers use this powerful marketing tool appropriately; in other words, they are so overwhelmed with the idea of doing business on Facebook that they literally will spam their friends and fans with business opportunities. This is why many marketers have failed in harnessing properly the power of Facebook Marketing.
Facebook Marketing Tips: It Is All About Engaging With Your Target Audience
Give them what they want, what they enjoy, things that they find a great interest in and they will become your loyal fans forever.
By actively engaging with your audience on your Facebook fanpage you strengthen your reputation and this will make you more credible.
“What really decides consumers to buy or not to buy is the content of your advertising, not its form.” ~ David Ogilvy
People are looking for information. Information can be anything from a good informative articles, info graphics, images with quotes, questions to create interaction on your fanpage, contests, free giveaways.
Today, we live in a world of interaction, where communication is vital. Imagine how you can spread the news of your business through word of mouth. Yes, when someone likes a business, they talk about it and this spreads your reputation. It builds your brand, your reputation. For the growth of your business this is absolutely important.
In today’s economy, people buy products when it is recommended by friends and families and where else can this be best to spread that story.
With over 665 million active users on Facebook, I bet you are not going to tell me there are none from your locality. Here is how it works. Someone from your locality likes your Business Fanpage. Then this person writes a comment on your post.
Do you know what happens next? The friends of this person will see it on their news feed. This creates curiosity and now he/she will come and visit your page. If they like what they see they will become your fans too J
Using Facebook For Marketing To Grow Your Business
- Build Custom landing pages to reach 60% of your Fan base enerate more leads for your business by encouraging them to sign up for your email list
- Facebook ads A Facebook ad is the little box you see on the right of your screen when perusing Facebook. They are easy to use, easy to setup and highly targeted
- Sponsored Stories Sponsored Stories are messages coming from your friends about them engaging with your Fanpage, so there’s a better chance people see them. The friends of your fans see their likes and are encouraged to follow the conversation
- Promoted PostsYou create an interesting post on your page and then advertise it to be shown on the newsfeed of your fans and you can also set it to show to all the friends of your fans. How cool is that 🙂
If you are still hesitating then my friend, you don’t know what you are missing. As I mentioned above, Facebook is the best Social Networking site for marketing your business. Don’t get scared by the word marketing, there are free methods and paid methods to get your business message to your targeted audience.
Grab our FREE report Today: Facebook Marketing 2013. It is a comprehensive 93 page guide which will help you even if you are a total newbie.
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