by Nurul Chowdhury | Internet Marketing Tip
3 Effective Strategies you can use today to grow your
Twitter following. Twitter marketing still works if you apply the right methods.
A little bit of history. Twitter was founded back in 2006 and since then it has evolved quite a bit over the years. A little glimpse of it’s evolution can be seen in through their Slide shows.
Many marketing gurus will say that Twitter marketing is dead. True if you apply the wrong methods. I did a bit of research on the internet and found that it current has about
317 million monthly active users, would you believe in 2010 it was around 30k.

I joined
Twitter back in May 2009, as a new marketer, I hardly knew how to promote my business on twitter and followed what my mentor told me.
Spam the heck out with your tweets. Unfortunately, it was a total failure. Over the years my account grew to a healthy 8k followers but most of them were inactive. I explain below what I did to clean out the inactive followers. So, honestly there was no benefit in having such a large following if no one was engaging.
Today, I look at it as a valuable marketing platform for my business. It allows me to generate 5 to 10 leads every day on autopilot.
Here are the 3 strategies that allowed me to grow my twitter account.
1. Use Automated Tools
There are various tools online to automate your twitter. Some are free and some are paid. Each one has it’s on advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few good tools that you can use for growing your twitter following; tools such as
StatusBrew. I have listed
below the ones I use and why I find it handy.
2. Growing your Twitter Followers
I use for this. It has a very simple interface and easy to handle. Statusbrew allows me to manage my followers and my followings. This is a daily task for me and I spend around 30 minutes to maintain my twitter account of followers and unfollowers. I used this unfollow method to clean Twitter accounts that were inactive, some were inactive for almost 5 to 6 years. Most probably they abandoned Twitter marketing.
It also has an option where you can configure Direct Messages (DM) to be sent out to each follower that follows you. Now I am sure you do not want to that manually if you are getting 20 to 30 followers per day. Pretty time-consuming isn’t it?
3. Engaging your Twitter Followers with Valuable Content
Some prefer SocialJukeBox but it has it’s limitations and to be honest I have tested it myself and did not feel comfortable with the platform. I use SocialOomp for providing valuable content to keep my twitter followers engaged with me.
SocialOomp allows you to schedule your tweets well in advance and it is put in a Queue which keep on rotating each time it finishes a cycle. You can put in various forms of tweets and place them under categories aka
Queues. Each category in turn gets tweeted. This way you have a variety of posts going out at regular intervals. Tweets can be text quotes, image quotes, blog posts, YouTube videos. I have to say that it has saved me a lot of time. Imagine sitting in front of your computer or smart phone and tweeting all day.
It generates me 5 to 10 leads on average per day. I simply put in the campaigns that are a done for you Lead Capture Pages from my
marketing platform MLSP in the Queues.
My Twitter following progress
Recently, I watched a video training on how to
Get 4 million people to see your tweets each month? I followed the Twitter training which has helped me immensely to grow my Twitter account. As you can see below, this account was growing organically since May 2009 but there was very little activity on the account.
The screen shot was taken on the 7th of Jan 2017 before I started the training. and I posted this on
Facebook to keep track of my progress. You will notice that I have 1.5k impressions over a week.
Click on Image for a larger screenshot.
Results after 14 days of implementation
Today screen shot taken as of 21st of Jan 2017, literally 14 days from the day I started implementing this Twitter Training, my twitter account has seen steady growth.
Click on Image for a larger screenshot.
Get Access To The Free Twitter Training
[mlsp-cta campaign=”mysocialmediasecret” tracking=”blgpst-tw” popup=”true” layout=”wide” align=”left” buttonstyle=”button-blue-flat”]
My Twitter Impressions
The first screen shot shows my impressions before applying this new training. 2.1k impressions over 14 days and on average 148 impressions per day.
That sucks! Click on Image for a larger screenshot.

Well, I will not say the same after applying the training. I must say it is pretty impressive. 41.2k impressions in 14 days (on 7th of Jan, I put the strategy to work) but can you see the progression, it’s on constant growth. Now I am averaging 2.9k impressions per day with my best day so far was 4.6k.
Click on Image for a larger screenshot.

I am literally following the 3 steps above to get these results. A lot of good things lies ahead.
If you like this post and found it of value, please share it with your social media circle, it may help someone to grow their twitter following.
Please leave your comments below about your thoughts on this strategy.
by Nurul Chowdhury | Internet Marketing Tip

Here are some essential Facebook marketing tips you can apply for your business today.
Many businesses don’t take Facebook seriously. Would you believe that Facebook is one of the most powerful marketing tools you can apply for marketing your products and services. I bet you are saying “TRUE” but it does not apply for my business because I am a local shop owner. What good will it do for my business. Let me tell you that it does not matter if you are an online marketer or an offline marketer selling hard goods. It works for any business. Yes, of course, only if you use it the right way.
“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” ~ Peter F. Drucker
Facebook is your opportunity to get in front of your target audience with your unique message. It’s all about attracting people to you and your content. It’s about sharing valuable information to your audience that will benefit them.
Not many marketers use this powerful marketing tool appropriately; in other words, they are so overwhelmed with the idea of doing business on Facebook that they literally will spam their friends and fans with business opportunities. This is why many marketers have failed in harnessing properly the power of Facebook Marketing.
Facebook Marketing Tips: It Is All About Engaging With Your Target Audience
Give them what they want, what they enjoy, things that they find a great interest in and they will become your loyal fans forever.
By actively engaging with your audience on your Facebook fanpage you strengthen your reputation and this will make you more credible.
“What really decides consumers to buy or not to buy is the content of your advertising, not its form.” ~ David Ogilvy
People are looking for information. Information can be anything from a good informative articles, info graphics, images with quotes, questions to create interaction on your fanpage, contests, free giveaways.
Today, we live in a world of interaction, where communication is vital. Imagine how you can spread the news of your business through word of mouth. Yes, when someone likes a business, they talk about it and this spreads your reputation. It builds your brand, your reputation. For the growth of your business this is absolutely important.
In today’s economy, people buy products when it is recommended by friends and families and where else can this be best to spread that story.
With over 665 million active users on Facebook, I bet you are not going to tell me there are none from your locality. Here is how it works. Someone from your locality likes your Business Fanpage. Then this person writes a comment on your post.
Do you know what happens next? The friends of this person will see it on their news feed. This creates curiosity and now he/she will come and visit your page. If they like what they see they will become your fans too J
Using Facebook For Marketing To Grow Your Business
- Build Custom landing pages to reach 60% of your Fan base enerate more leads for your business by encouraging them to sign up for your email list
- Facebook ads A Facebook ad is the little box you see on the right of your screen when perusing Facebook. They are easy to use, easy to setup and highly targeted
- Sponsored Stories Sponsored Stories are messages coming from your friends about them engaging with your Fanpage, so there’s a better chance people see them. The friends of your fans see their likes and are encouraged to follow the conversation
- Promoted PostsYou create an interesting post on your page and then advertise it to be shown on the newsfeed of your fans and you can also set it to show to all the friends of your fans. How cool is that 🙂
If you are still hesitating then my friend, you don’t know what you are missing. As I mentioned above, Facebook is the best Social Networking site for marketing your business. Don’t get scared by the word marketing, there are free methods and paid methods to get your business message to your targeted audience.
Grab our FREE report Today: Facebook Marketing 2013. It is a comprehensive 93 page guide which will help you even if you are a total newbie.
Let Your Life Shine!!

Certified Business Coach
by Nurul Chowdhury | Internet Marketing Tip, Making Money Opportunity
Learn these 3 Ways to Get Noticed with Internet Marketing. In order to promote or sell something online, first you must get yourself noticed. Here are some internet marketing tips that will help you get noticed so you can start making some profit.
Start Blogging
You can start building rapport and credibility as an expert by blogging about your skills, experience or passion. platform is the best known blogging tool out there. By building a blog on a targeted niche, you will be able to attract targeted audiences to your blog. People love to read about good stuff and through blogging you can attract people that are interested in your topic.
Submitting Articles to other blogs
Another way of creating your online presence is by writing blog posts as a guest. If you don’t have a blog and would just like to promote your product then you can add a link to your author resource box linking back to your website in the articles that you submit to other blogs.
Writing for other blogs is not that easy and you would not want to submit to low ranked blogs. It is best to do some research and look for high authority blogs with a good PR.
But getting accepted in high authority blogs is another challenge. You can always contact the owner of the blog and submit an article for review. If the article is of good quality, then the owner will publish the article on their blog. Don’t make your article a sales pitch but rather give them good content that will educate your readers. Build curiosity to get them to click that link in the resource box.
Set up link exchanges with other websites
Building back links is very important for any website/blog. You can contact other websites related to your niche topic and set up link exchanges with them.
The more links you set up the better you will get recognized by the Search Engines. The drawback of this technique is that not all websites agree to do exchange links, especially if your blog/website is new. Obviously, they would like to get also good link juice back to their sites. Everyone is looking for high ranking sites.
My advice would be to start with websites that are in the same level as you are and then gradually scale it up to the next level.
Commenting on Popular Blogs
Yet another method highly used by internet marketers is commenting on popular blogs. Commenting is an excellent method for leaving a link back to your site.
Many bloggers will delete your comment if it is not relevant to the article. It is best to leave a good comment relating to the article if you don’t want your comment to reach the trash or spam folder. If they like what you write then your comment will get accepted thus generating for you a good back link to your blog.
I receive tons of spam comments daily, luckily my Akismet plugin takes care of it by sorting the comments as spam. I only approve comments that I feel is relevant to the topic.
You can get hold of the Akismet plugin direct from WP dashboard (when you install a new wordpress blog, plugin is already installed). In order to activate the plugin you have to open up a free account at, then insert the api key that they provide in the Askimet setting.
Be aware that there are number of SEO guys out there working for you to get back links for your blog. If you have a blog then you will notice that many of these just comment to get a link back to their sites. Don’t be like them or your comment will get deleted.
These are some of the methods I use to get myself noticed. The method the most used by me is commenting. And I can really see the results when I look into the stats. As I am in the blogging industry, I write comments on various blogging sites. The stats do not lie when I see how many of these sites have referred my blog. People are curious and when they see your comments they will visit your website. Honestly I do the same myself.
So do apply these methods and get yourself known to the world. Apply them consistently and you will see the results coming in gradually.
If you like what I post then please do leave me a comment, I would appreciate it if you can share with your friends on Facebook and twitter also.
by Nurul Chowdhury | Blogging Tips And Techniques, Internet Marketing Tip
Literally every website or blog needs to increase web traffic. Web Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business, without it you will not be found.
You can have the best blog design made or the fanciest looking blog but if you don’t get traffic, your blog is worthless. Your primarily goal for your blog is to drive traffic.
I admit it is not a mere task but if done wisely and consistently we can achieve tremendous results in a short period of time. The main key to success having consistency in what you do. The problem with many users is they give up easily not seeing results. There is no magic formula. You have to try and test and try and test and see what best works.
Miracles don’t happen overnight but yes they can be accomplished. Nothing is impossible if you have the motivation to do it.
If you are just beginning, then you want to use methods that don’t cost you money. Yes, starting an online business can be very challenging. I would like to share with you some free traffic methods to increase web traffic for your blog:
Keywords Search
Before writing your article, it is important to do some keyword research and find the keywords related to your topic. Many make a mistake of searching for high demand articles. If you are just starting out then go for the low demand articles. You can also make a variation of low/high demand.
Keep in mind that it is easier to rank in the search engines where there is low competition. The high demand articles will have high competition and it is will require a lot of work to get your article ranked for that keyword.
Although there are very good tools out there online, even the Google Adwords Free Keyword Tool will give you excellent results. In addition to Google’s free tool, I also use Market Samurai. Market Samurai gives you extra bit of information about the different keywords which is limited with Google’s tool.
Hint: When looking for keywords do an Exact match search, this is what the people type when they are looking for something and target those keywords rather than Broad or Phrase match
It is important to use the keywords in your Title Tag, first paragraph, a couple of times in your body content. Don’t stuff them with keywords; it will only make it worse for you.
Building link backs with Article Directories
Post your articles to different directories. There is confusion about duplicate content. Some say that Google will severely penalize you if they find duplicate content. Actually this is only in the case if you have exactly the same content in two different web pages in your website.
Some Top Article Sites PR6 PR5 PR5 PR6 PR3
It is still better to create variations of your articles and post them to different article directories and link them back to your website.
Social Media Platforms
In today’s world, social media can play a vital role for your website. The friendship that you build in these different platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace can be different. What I mean by that is you may have friended John in Facebook and you have Tom following you on Twitter.
The best way to get your article out to your friends and followers is to let them know. So do post your articles in these social media platforms each time you post an article on your blog.
You are bound to get visits from people who have shown interest in what you do. Social media will not bring you visitors but will also build credibility. You will start building relationship with your readers and this will result in repeat visitors.
There are various other methods to increase web traffic. Some of which are interacting in forums, commenting on other blogs related to your niche, etc… These again create backlinks back to your website. Well, this will be for another day.
Hope you appreciate these methods. They are free and may take some time to develop, but in the long run you have nothing to lose. Not a penny to spend and a lot to gain.
by Nurul Chowdhury | Ideas For A Business, Internet Marketing Tip, Making Money Opportunity

photo credit: Don Fulano
The mere fact of finding a making money opportunity online is not sufficient enough to earn money fast or have a profitable marketing business from home. We have to find out how to make this idea work out for us, how it can make us money.
The magic power of internet can bring you financial freedom and I suppose if you are fed up of your 9-5 job then turning toward internet can be the best choice you would ever make to finally free yourself and do the things that you always dreamt of doing.
But let’s stop dreaming as there are some fundamental things that are required even before you think of becoming rich. There is no such thing as get rich quick. No matter what background you are coming from you need to know something about internet. You need to follow courses to master the various techniques required to launch a profitable online business.
Things that you should really look at:
- How to earn money online : There are various methods, affiliate marketing, opening up an e-store, blogging, article marketing, email marketing, etc.
- What are my traffic generation and list building methods? Do I use free methods or paid advertising to generate traffic?
- What am I actually promoting? Other peoples product or my own product
- Who do I target?
- What is my market?
Have you ever considered these factors? Starting an online business can be the easiest thing to do as very low cost and if properly applied, you can earn money fast. As usual there is always a big BUT. How and where do I start?
Every business success lies on the efforts that you put into it. The more devoted and motivated you are in achieving your goals, the quicker you will be able to accomplish them. But it takes time and effort, and this is what many lack. All these rumors about making tons of money in the next 30 to 90 days have upset many newbies. Seeing only failure have made them jump from one program to another, time after time, spending thousands in the hope of achieving that financial freedom.
Then there is procrastination. How many times have you bought a product and never looked at it or did not have the time to do it, always putting it aside for another day. Procrastination can be your worst enemy for online business success
The promise of the hidden treasure seems so close yet they are never achievable. Needless to say, that no one ever told us that to make any business profitable we have to keep trying consistently over and over again and only with one method/program.
There is an old saying, that I sure your have heard of. Try, Try, Try Again Until You Succeed”. I have learnt this in school and my main motivation is based on these simple but very effective words. It has kept me moving forward towards my goals.
Many who start as a newbie with online business face common failures of lack of ideas for a business. It is nothing uncommon, so many competition and so many markets but to find the ones that are making money opportunity can be very daunting.
We don’t want to start with a market where you are just a small fisherman in a big ocean with a variety of fish neither do we want to start in a pond with multitude of fishermen catching the same fish. What we are looking for is the exact kind of fish that we want to catch in a place where it is unknown to the other fishermen.
That is where micro-niche market comes in.
It is important to have the combination of two factors that are important for success
a) To have a market with a high demand and
b) To be in a market where there is low competition.
To sum up the two, we need to find a market where there is reasonably good level of demand and with very low competition.
But to come to a stage where we can identify these factors, it takes time. You have to be persuasive, consistent, motivated and devoted to your business. Then, you develop your skills with practice and experience. The more you put your heart and soul to it, the more you will find it exciting and a great desire to succeed.
There is a learning curve which we don’t want to accept and are always looking for the next golden opportunity.
So my final advice to you: stick to whatever method/program you are working on and try it once, twice, ten times before you say STOP it will not work for me.
Remember one thing nothing is easy in life but if we are motivated and passionate about it, then it can be ACHIEVED.
by Nurul Chowdhury | Blogging Tips And Techniques, Internet Marketing Tip

photo credit: Public Domain Photos
Some people sit around waiting for things to happen. Some people “Make Things Happen”, and others just wonder…
“What the heck just happened?” Which of these three categories do you fall under? Be honest, I’m sure everyone wants to believe that they’re in the “Make It Happen” category, but are you really?
In these trying economic times, more and more people are turning to “internet marketing” each day as a means of supplementing their income. Home based businesses are becoming more and more common place across the world. Unfortunately many of these entrepreneurs fail. Here’s why, in many respects the very definition of “internet marketing” can preclude you from achieving success. You see, just marketing a product and raising awareness doesn’t make you money, SELLING that product over and over again does.
The key here is to sell, and there are four fundamental skills needed. There are also 8 basic components that you’ll need to thoroughly understand. I’m about to explain the 4 critical fundamentals here and then over the at the bottom of this article, you’ll click on a link where teyou can find the 8 components you’ll be using to master the fundamentals.
Fundamental #1 List Building
Everything, and I sincerely mean EVERYTHING you do online should be geared towards growing your subscriber list. Your members are the “lifeblood” of your internet business. Your subscribers and followers become your customers but more importantly, they also become your biggest asset in the acquisition of more members. To build a list of members you’ll need a squeeze page, this is basically a simple “mini website” specifically designed to capture the visitor’s name and email address by way of a web-form. A web-form is just a name & email field with a submit button that empowers you to store the visitors information in a database for future use.
Once the details are in the database you can bulk mail your subscribers to stay in touch with them. As your list grows, you can monetize it by emailing promotional offers for either your own products or affiliate products on which you’ll collect a commission if the subscriber makes a purchase. The easiest way to entice someone to subscribe to your list and enter their details into your web-form is by way of an “ethical bribe”. This means you give away something of value in exchange for the customers details, once they give you their name and email address you instantly give them access to their “Free Gift”.
Fundamental #2 Driving Traffic
Lets say you have a killer recipe for BBQ Sauce and you want to open your own BBQ restaurant but you’re on a limited budget. You know your restaurants success depends on foot traffic and visibility after all you’ve heard it said many times before in retail… “Location, Location, Location” so you are faced with a tough decision to make. “Do I pay top dollar for prime commercial real estate in a highly visible mall or do I save some money and put my restaurant in an obscure part of town with low rent?”
Even though the initial investment is higher, the mall location will produce a profit while the obscure location wont even cover the low rent. In the obscure location you would have to actually create the traffic by paying for advertising while the prime location will have inherent or what we like to refer to as “organic” traffic. This is what driving web-traffic is all about, it makes absolutely no difference how good your product is if no one can find it on the internet. You have to look for existing flows of traffic online and place traffic signals there which direct the surfers back to your internet real estate, your squeeze page. This can be done in a multitude of ways like banner exchanges, social networking, video sites, SEO, forums, safe-lists, ezines, any many more including Pay Per Click advertising..”
Fundamental #3 Increasing Conversions
Ok, so now you’ve gotten some customers to your BBQ restaurant where they can buy your delicious home cooked secret recipe Chicken & Ribs… but will they? Will they actually buy? How does your restaurant look? Is it clean and tidy? Do you have nice furniture and an attractive menu? Are you fairly priced? What kind of specials do you offer? Do you have a punch card that can earn me a free meal after a certain amount of purchases? What are you actually doing to convert your visitor into a REPEAT buyer? That is called conversions. The way you structure your website from, graphics & sales copy to offer and guarantee will all determine whether or not your visitor actually buys from you.
The key here is to monitor your site metrics impressions vs clicks in comparison to sales. Acknowledge trends and then tweak the site components by “Split Testing” different site parameters. Split testing can be done with special software or it can be done manually by monitoring the site statistics daily and making subtle changes to see how they affect conversions. Perhaps your background color is too bright, or your headline font is too big. Maybe you’re guarantee is not in a prominent location on the page. Who knows what it could be! The key here is to test, test, and retest. Once you’ve arrived at a high converting formula stick with it and repeat the process.
Fundamental #4 Duplication
This is probably the most important fundamental of the four… “Duplication.” If you want what one man has, do what that one man does. Contrary to what you may believe, one of the biggest reasons that Newbies fail online is not lack of direction. It’s actually “too much direction” or should I say too many directions (plural.) The average newbie opportunity seeker subscribes to multiple marketer’s lists and begins acquiring every product that appears to promise instant riches.
The problem is that different marketers have different marketing angles and strategies which pull the newbie into an exponential overstretched frenzy of information overload. This in turn causes multiple info products to accumulate on their hard drive until the tasks at hand become insurmountable and they just throw in the towel. The key to avoiding this is to go on a “Low Information Diet” by choosing a mentor that you like and relate to.
Do some research and once you’ve decided on who you will follow, then duplicate their success step by step. Once you begin to see positive results, just duplicate YOURSELF to increase your results. This is a sure fire way to avoid the snags and pitfalls of newbie marketing.
So thats all fine and dandy but “How Exactly Do I EXECUTE The Four Fundamentals?” Well, you can learn those at the website by clicking this link: Internet Selling For Newbies See You There!
To Your Sales Success,