by Nurul Chowdhury | Ideas For A Business, Internet Marketing Tip, Making Money Opportunity

photo credit: Don Fulano
The mere fact of finding a making money opportunity online is not sufficient enough to earn money fast or have a profitable marketing business from home. We have to find out how to make this idea work out for us, how it can make us money.
The magic power of internet can bring you financial freedom and I suppose if you are fed up of your 9-5 job then turning toward internet can be the best choice you would ever make to finally free yourself and do the things that you always dreamt of doing.
But let’s stop dreaming as there are some fundamental things that are required even before you think of becoming rich. There is no such thing as get rich quick. No matter what background you are coming from you need to know something about internet. You need to follow courses to master the various techniques required to launch a profitable online business.
Things that you should really look at:
- How to earn money online : There are various methods, affiliate marketing, opening up an e-store, blogging, article marketing, email marketing, etc.
- What are my traffic generation and list building methods? Do I use free methods or paid advertising to generate traffic?
- What am I actually promoting? Other peoples product or my own product
- Who do I target?
- What is my market?
Have you ever considered these factors? Starting an online business can be the easiest thing to do as very low cost and if properly applied, you can earn money fast. As usual there is always a big BUT. How and where do I start?
Every business success lies on the efforts that you put into it. The more devoted and motivated you are in achieving your goals, the quicker you will be able to accomplish them. But it takes time and effort, and this is what many lack. All these rumors about making tons of money in the next 30 to 90 days have upset many newbies. Seeing only failure have made them jump from one program to another, time after time, spending thousands in the hope of achieving that financial freedom.
Then there is procrastination. How many times have you bought a product and never looked at it or did not have the time to do it, always putting it aside for another day. Procrastination can be your worst enemy for online business success
The promise of the hidden treasure seems so close yet they are never achievable. Needless to say, that no one ever told us that to make any business profitable we have to keep trying consistently over and over again and only with one method/program.
There is an old saying, that I sure your have heard of. Try, Try, Try Again Until You Succeed”. I have learnt this in school and my main motivation is based on these simple but very effective words. It has kept me moving forward towards my goals.
Many who start as a newbie with online business face common failures of lack of ideas for a business. It is nothing uncommon, so many competition and so many markets but to find the ones that are making money opportunity can be very daunting.
We don’t want to start with a market where you are just a small fisherman in a big ocean with a variety of fish neither do we want to start in a pond with multitude of fishermen catching the same fish. What we are looking for is the exact kind of fish that we want to catch in a place where it is unknown to the other fishermen.
That is where micro-niche market comes in.
It is important to have the combination of two factors that are important for success
a) To have a market with a high demand and
b) To be in a market where there is low competition.
To sum up the two, we need to find a market where there is reasonably good level of demand and with very low competition.
But to come to a stage where we can identify these factors, it takes time. You have to be persuasive, consistent, motivated and devoted to your business. Then, you develop your skills with practice and experience. The more you put your heart and soul to it, the more you will find it exciting and a great desire to succeed.
There is a learning curve which we don’t want to accept and are always looking for the next golden opportunity.
So my final advice to you: stick to whatever method/program you are working on and try it once, twice, ten times before you say STOP it will not work for me.
Remember one thing nothing is easy in life but if we are motivated and passionate about it, then it can be ACHIEVED.
by Nurul Chowdhury | Blogging Tips And Techniques, Ideas For A Business, Internet Marketing Tip, Making Money Opportunity
(Image courtesy of
What is your experience in Blogging?
I hope you have not started like me. Having no knowledge about the virtual business, I ventured to find a share of the treasure which has made so many millionaires.
Blogging was a term totally new to me when I first started on the internet. My online career started with network marketing. Being a total newbie to network marketing, at that time, my upline told me that I should open up an account at free blogging site and promote my business. And that is what I did. Having no clue how to generate traffic or audience to my first page. I hardly got any instructions on how to build a blog page or how to post articles.
Yet with trial and error, I managed to get in my first post and anxiously waited for visitors to turn up. Well, to my disappointment I had been waiting and waiting and waiting.
So why on earth wasn’t I getting and traffic to my site?
What was never told to me was that I had to frequently update my blog. Although Google likes, you need to post articles regularly, that what makes Google page crawlers look for interesting stuff in your articles. As I told you I was a total newbie to the internet, all I knew was type something on the Google search box and VOILA the answer was there for me.
Terms like keywords, page rankings, search engine optimisation etc. were things like someone was talking to me in “Martian” language. My response Yeah! Yeah! I have heard about it. But honestly haven’t had a clue what it was. Neither was I courageous to ask someone what was it all about.
So those days have been quite painful for me struggling to make that 1st appearance on the internet.
I was disappointed, still looking for answers to my questions but no where to find it. Finally, my blog went to as “sleeping mode” like a dormant volcano for about six months.
I started surfing more on the internet and came across those wonderful websites (blogs) “that is what I thought they were at that time”. These blogs had a on it. That is the guys were branding themselves. I kept asking myself. How are they doing it? Why is mine tagged to a and why can’t I have one like them.
Yeah, I am sure you are laughing at me and making fun of me but honestly, I hadn’t a clue. I was mad and furious still trying to figure out how actually it works.
The saddest thing is that I was a computer programmer about 15 years back but never surfed on the internet. Internet has been very recent to me say about 3 to 4 years ago. Yeah, of course I knew how emails worked and something called internet was there but I was too much pre-occupied with the real world to get actually involved with the virtual world.
Ok, I shall end part 1 here and give you something to cheer you up.
You have two ways of creating blogs either free or hosted (paid) blogs.
1. The good sites (free) that I have used so far are
I found more handy in terms usability of the structure. I still have about 4 of them and I use them to bring traffic to this blog. It easy to add different affiliate programs to earn money. You can easily add Adsense program. It is very Google friendly.
My advice: don’t create just one post and subscribe to Adsense, Google will straight away refuse it. You need to have “keyword based” articles in order for Google to be able to place ads in your posts. I will be talking about this in the coming article posts.
2. Let us talk about Keywords.
To get good search engine ranking, you need to have good keywords in your article headline and also in the articles itself
There are various methods of analysing highly targeted keywords. You will never find one best way to do it. Every marketer has his/her own techniques. One simple technique for keyword search is googles
Type in the word you would like to find. Say for example Dog Training. The tool will give you plenty of keywords based on that search criteria.
The key thing here is to go for keywords that have volumes more than 500 and above but don’t go for high volume keywords as they would be hard to rank for in the search engines
Now copy/paste each keyword in the google search bar and place “” around the word say for example you are looking for Dog Training Tips what you would do is “Dog Training Tips”. This will give you the number of people that are competing for that keyword (people like you and me for earning money).
If the number is less than 100,000 then it is a very good keyword to use. Depending on the keyword rarity I sometimes go up to 200,000.
I will be talking more about all these. Did not want to bore you all at one go. The poisonous dose is going to be slow and painful.
So until next time my friends. By the way, if you liked my article you may want to post a comment and tweet it to your followers.