by Nurul Chowdhury | Blogging Tips And Techniques
One of the most popular aggressive marketing techniques relies on blog posting as a great source of getting traffic and inbound links. While two way links are a necessity if you wish to promote your website and rank high in the search engines, blog posting delivers another important element of search engine optimization – The one-way link.
When posting on blogs you are allowed to include a live link in your message. Of course, this varies from blog to blog, and some blogs have comment moderation turned on, which sometimes makes it difficult to get inbound traffic as the webmasters will edit-out your links if they are not appropriate.
Blogs are one of the most interesting and dynamic Internet phenomena and they are, as many professional Internet marketers already know, a constant source of traffic. And to add some spice to the statement, Search Engines love blogs as they are the source for fresh content. This is why you should visit as many blogs related to your website topic and comment on the articles and posts they have. But when you do comment, write something relevant to the article you are commenting on.
Remember that you can place a link in your post, but don’t overdo it, as you can easily get labeled as a “spammer” if you do so. The one-way links that come from blogs may really boost your search engine rankings, especially since there are plenty of blogs with a high Google Page Rank.
Techniques For Getting Your Messages Posted on Blogs
Most blog owners will actively manage their blogs and they will instantly delete any message that has even a small resemblance to anything commercial or spam or not relevant to the article in question.
Here are a few useful tips on how to promote your website through your blog messages without making your comments sound like a sales pitch:
* Make sure to actually read some of the posts on that blog and create a custom message to suit the context. Don’t go with a template comment as that will quickly backfire and chances are a large majority of your posts will get deleted within days.
* Don’t place a lot of links in your message. One is enough. If the blog allows HTML, make sure to insert a keyword rich description in the link anchor, as that will boost your page rankings even further.
* Add valuable content with your message. You know how important article submissions are and how blog owners are used to posting whole article on their blog. Do the same with your message – don’t post a 2-line message. Instead, create an article-like comment that brings some updated news on a particular topic and then adapt this message to the context of the blog you are posting on.
* It’s a good idea to select a good number of blogs relevant to your niche (say 35-40 blogs) that have high traffic and excellent search engine rankings and be a constant poster. At first, convince the blog owners that you are not a spammer by posting relevant comments without any links or promotional language. Once you prove to be “one of the team” you can insert some non-intrusive links to your website, which they will produce excellent results!
Related Blogs
by Nurul Chowdhury | Blogging Tips And Techniques
A lot of businesses, both online and in real time are relying on the internet to hopefully acquire more visitors to their websites that will lead to more sales and income. The process of search engine optimization or SEO is fairly easy, provided that you understand the different approaches and invest in the right resources that will get you good targeted traffic. You have to understand the different factors that will make your web site more visible to the world.
Describing SEO
SEO or search engine optimization is the process of developing and boosting the quality and volume of traffic to a given website via search engines. Search engines will search for the most relevant web sites as visitors’ type in the given keywords through organic or algorithmic methods. In most cases, the earlier a website presents itself in the search results list, the higher number of visitors it will get from the search engine. Some of the most popular search engines include Yahoo and Google. SEO can target various types of search like images, local searches and vertical search engines that are industry-specific. Web presence is provided to the web site as you gain more relevance.
As an Internet Marketing Strategy
SEO is very much related to internet marketing. It considers how search engines function and what are the usual things that visitors on the internet look for. You can optimize the website by changing or editing the content, associated coding and HTML to boost its relevance to given keywords as well as eliminate barriers to the indexing functions of search engines.
SEO can also mean search engine optimizers. The term was coined by a group of consultants who function by optimizing projects for different clients. Some SEO services are performed in-house by specialised employees. The techniques of SEO can be included into the development and design of the website, since SEO effectiveness needs to change according to the HTML code of a given site. Being search-engine friendly usually means having the right website design i.e. having an appealing Look and Feel, content management systems, navigation tools, shopping carts, images and videos and menus to help optimize the site for increased search engine exposure.
More Strategies
There are different strategies that can be used to optimize visibility in search engines. According to eye tracking studies, searchers will scan search results pages from the top to bottom and left to right, to find relevant results. Positioning at the top or near the top of the rankings leads to increased number of searchers who will most likely visit your website. Having more search engine referrals do not usually guarantee added sales.
SEO is not truly the right strategy for every given website, since other internet marketing strategies can be more effective, depending on the objectives of the site operator. The success of the internet marketing campaign will ultimately drive organic traffic to your website, but you also have to incorporate other approaches like paid advertising and affiliates. Using these resources will help increase the people who will most likely be interested in your given products and services.
Your Investment
SEO help you generate your ROI or Return On Investment. Search engines are not paid by website owners if they get organic search traffic. The algorithms change, so you cannot be sure if you can stay at the top of the rankings. Updating your website content and boosting the elements that make a good website will help you get your money back quickly.
by Nurul Chowdhury | Blogging Tips And Techniques, Internet Marketing Tip, Making Money Opportunity
The hardest part of any business building is creating a huge email list. It is one of the fundamentals of Email Marketing Campaigns. Many marketers have failed to achieve success because they do not possess a proper mailing list. List building is an art which takes some time to master.
Here is a Story of a Super Affiliates. His name is Ewen Chia. He is well reputed for his techniques of list building. When it comes to list building no one can match his success online. And when he promotes a product he does not go searching for subscribers because it is a continual process. People just love his training course. One little email campaign loaded in his auto-responder and the sales just explode. So how does he build it. Well, he uses various techniques himself, three of which that I learned from him will be covered here below.
You finally realize that to promote your business as an affiliate marketer you have to build a solid base of subscribers. Hey! 100 or 200 subscribers will not bring you sales. Out of these 200 subscribers, may be 50 will read your email if it is interesting. And out of these 50, few may click on your affiliate link and 1 or 2 may actually buy through you. So what is your final score 1%.
Unless you have a high end product that brings you a huge commission, your email marketing campaign is not worth the effort you are putting. Imagine the time you would spend to write a good email that will force your readers to click on that affiliate link and VOILA! Here comes the profit.
I suppose you have read countless articles and sought expert advices and have read many success stories of people creating a small fortune with opt-in lists, you finally decide to have one of your own. Then it happens, you think you have known everything there is to know about opt-in lists and have followed their advices from A-Z and you still weren’t able to make a profit.
In fact, you may be losing money. You may be hiring writers to help you out, or there are some expenses incurred, even if you have a big list, but only a very small percentage actually buys from you, you’re still losing profit. You’ll realize that after a few months when you see your statistics and sales figures.
So what could have gone wrong? Why have others succeeded where you have failed? The most common mistake is that you jumped straight away on the occasion. You chose a topic where you think could be quite popular and would earn you money. It actually does not work like that. Just because you wrote to people from the list doesn’t mean they are going to buy instantly.
Here are some tips that will help you get better results for your list building strategies.
1. A Good Squeeze Page
You need a good lead capture page sometimes also called squeeze page. Not many are html savvy. It takes a lot of patience and time to get a good squeeze page up and running.
Here is a free membership site where you can create squeeze pages and use them. The advantage of this site is that you don’t have to buy a domain to use the squeeze page. You can create multiple capture pages with it.
Now it is your duty to promote this squeeze page to get leads. If you have a Twitter account then you can blast different messages with your opt-in page link.
Join forums based on your niche or product you are selling. Go to Google and do a search. Join the forums and join the discussions and add the link in your signature with a catchy sentence. Like say for example “Hey! Grab this latest report on Advanced SEO, Limited time only”
2. A Blog
Create a blog and post various articles related to your product or niche. Educate them and give them information relevant to your product. More they come and visit your blog, better will be the temptation of finally clicking on that link and seizing a sale. Second advantage, you get ranked by the search engines.
Writing articles will get traffic but your objective is to get these readers into your mailing list. Aha! So how do I do it. Well, create a catchy image with an offer to download a free report or product etc..
Make sure it is put in a place where it will be visible as soon as they come to your blog. That is the first thing that should catch their eyes on the site.
3) Participate in Joint Venture Free Giveaways.
This is a good way of getting free subscribers. So does this work? You may want to watch the video I made recently at Free List Building Strategy With Joint Venture GiveAways and the JV Event Page.
There are many ongoing Joint Venture Giveaways all year round. Basically, you participate as a Contributor and you add a product depending on the event.
You need to have three things.
- A squeeze page link
- A download page link
- The image of the product you are giving away.
If you do not know how to create an html page, there is no panic. Just go to Instant squeeze page creator. You can easily get a squeeze page done in 6 steps and it only takes 2 minutes. Make sure to save the image of the product you want to give away on your pc. As you will need it even for your blog.
Here is what I created in 2 minutes. This is the squeeze page link
(N.B. This is just an example to demonstrate how it works, the product download is not attached to this example).
I personally use Send Button profits. It is a paid membership site. This membership site is exceptional. It offers various services among which are opt-in templates. Not only I get 10-15 different pre-made opt-in templates in various niche markets but also the emails that go with it for selling affiliate products related to the squeeze page you are promoting. This saves me the headache of creating email campaigns to follow. Plus twitter messages and training videos. I can even download the products and put in my personal affiliate links for more sales.
Unfortunately, Send Button Profits is closed for new members but I would advise you to register your email address with them. If it re-opens to the public you could be the 1st ones to learn about it. It is one of those services you would not want to miss.
Well my friends, that’s it for today. More yet to come.. So be on the lookout for those hidden treasures.

by Nurul Chowdhury | Affiliate marketing, Article Marketing, Blogging Tips And Techniques
Participating in Affiliate Programs can bring in extra revenue. The key to increasing your income is to get your readers interested in your topics. Unlike traditional methods of earning revenue where you get paid per clicks or impressions, affiliates are paid only when a reader performs an action. For example a reader might purchase a product that you promote through your affiliate links or signing up for a newsletter. Just by merely promoting the offer, you will not get paid.
The art lies in driving curiosity and stimulating the reader to click on that affiliate link. Then only this action will turn out to be fruitful and who knows there may be a nice commission waiting for you on the other side.
Here are some things that you may want to do to create that stimulation.
Write what your audience wants?
The most successful way to use affiliate programs is to anticipate and meet the needs of your readers. This can be a very thought-provoking action to take from your part. Many a times I got stuck writing articles because I was trying to imagine what my readers were looking for when they came to my site.
The easiest way to start is to write articles on the products that you promote. It is important to keep in mind that while you are promoting your product you are considering on giving a solution to your audience and not just for the sake of earning an income stream from them. The product that you are promoting needs to add value to your readers.
Keep your products and advertisement on your website consistent with what your articles are about.
Say for example, if you are writing about affiliate marketing then distracting ads like “gardening products” will annoy your readers and they may never come back to your website.
But on the other hand, good content will make your readers want to subscribe to your newsletter and would tempt them to revisit your website.
Building Trust And Confidence
Many newbies have had a bad experience in promoting their affiliate programs. They kept on promoting product after product on their sites/blogs. Some blogs look like a market place with banners and ads all over the place. I am one of those examples when I first started blogging.
My impression was that by placing all these advertisements I am going to get rich. But hey! it really did not happen that way. When I looked at my stats, I hardly used to have a click on my ads although I had traffic coming to my blog on a regular basis.
The idea here is to create a long term relationship with your reader. Don’t expect that your reader will get excited with your product on the first visit. They would like to know you better and learn more about your product before they may decide to buy your product.
Readers are savvy. They know an affiliate link when they see one. If you break their trust by promoting a product you don’t believe in or take advantage of their visit with too many ads, they will leave and never come back.
It is your repeat visitors that will drive traffic. They are the ones who will give you linkbacks, spread the word, and recommend your site as the go-to place for valuable content. You need to build a relationship based on genuine content.
If your visitors don’t think you’re being honest, they won’t read anything else you have to say