by Nurul Chowdhury | Blogging Tips And Techniques
The easy part when it comes to blogging is finding information about the product or service that you are advertising or suggesting to your readers. You may have the greatest website on the planet and you are selling an item that makes the light bulb look like the stone wheel. The problem begins to arise when you begin writing your blog posts about these items. You can find information on the internet about what it is you are selling but you cannot take it word for word and place it in your blog. That is called plagiarism and it can land you in serious hot water.
The problem facing today’s article writers and bloggers is content. Many people do not even take the time to rewrite product descriptions or change articles to where the content is unique. They then submit these blurbs or blog posts to article directories so they can get back links to their webpage. The huge problem is that most of the popular directories have a plagiarism checker and very, very strict rules about having 100% unique content. If your article is a mish mash of stolen wording many of these directories will reject you due to duplicate content or plagiarism. That looks incredibly bad on you. It is even worse if the original authors find out.
The key is writing, or having someone else write, 100% unique content. You need to write your blog or blurb to where it is free from plagiarism. That means not lifting content from different places and just changing one word. You need to look at the material, summarize it in your mind and then write something new from the information you have gleamed. Yes, the other page helped inspire you and gave you information but the blog you write is all your own. You can then you a customized service that puts your blogs out there and gives you back links to your own webpage. You usually have to write a 100 word blurb to go with it but that is child’s play for you once you have writing the actual blogs down to a science.
It just cannot be stressed enough that unique content is the true seller on the Internet. You want your website and blog to stand out from the crowd. You do not want to be repeating the same information that you find on article directories. If you can convey the information in a new way you will engage readers and get their attention. And that is how you make money in this day and age. You having 100% unique content is the actual backbone of your entire infrastructure. The only problem is, creating unique content is time consuming and hard work. Not to mention, promoting your blog, getting backlinks and traffic also required a lot of heavy lifting. Well, not necessarily.
Writing is much easier when it comes from your heart. But how do you do that. We tend to focus towards earning money rather than providing value to our audience. When you start understanding your core values, express your passion then writing will flow smoothly like water.
So what is your action plan?
by Nurul Chowdhury | Blogging Tips And Techniques
Sometimes the easiest way to blog is not always the best place to find a home for your blog. Take for example blogging on a social network site such as Facebook. While it is a great place to place a link to a blog on another site, it is not great for blogging itself. And this is something you absolutely must take into account. There is a way to blog and a way not to blog. There is a time to blog and a time not to blog. There is a place to blog and places where blogging is not going to be as beneficial to you as another place may be. So how do you know how, when and where?
So why is Facebook not a great place to blog? For starters the website is not set up per se for blogging. You can add “notes” but you have to tag each of your friends and followers if they are going to be notified. And then it shows up on their page which may not go over so well if being inundated with “notes” is not their preference. You could wind up losing followers. That means you are not going to be making any money. And you will not make money from your blog alone on Facebook. You will have to put links to your website or to another blogging webpage if you want to utilize ads and banner ads for affiliate programs.
Establishing the fact that social networking sites such as Facebook are out, leaves you with places such as WordPress or even There are some ups and downs for each site but they do, at least, allow the use of ads and promoting affiliate programs. You just have to get traffic to the site. That leaves you with the proper time to blog once you figure out where. Try not to post late night blogs because many people will miss out on new blogs if you are consistently posting at odd hours. Try posting at the same time each day or every couple of days. You may not want to even blog every single day for fear of inundating your followers with too much information or repeated information. Have a set number of blogs for the week and stick with that schedule.
All that being said, there is a specific formula (or blueprint) for when to blog, how frequently, and how to get links to your original page and traffic to your individual blog posts. However, all this usually takes a lot of work. Not many people want to devote that kind of time to maintaining their blog on a daily basis.
by Nurul Chowdhury | Ideas For A Business, Internet Marketing Tip, Making Money Opportunity

photo credit: Don Fulano
The mere fact of finding a making money opportunity online is not sufficient enough to earn money fast or have a profitable marketing business from home. We have to find out how to make this idea work out for us, how it can make us money.
The magic power of internet can bring you financial freedom and I suppose if you are fed up of your 9-5 job then turning toward internet can be the best choice you would ever make to finally free yourself and do the things that you always dreamt of doing.
But let’s stop dreaming as there are some fundamental things that are required even before you think of becoming rich. There is no such thing as get rich quick. No matter what background you are coming from you need to know something about internet. You need to follow courses to master the various techniques required to launch a profitable online business.
Things that you should really look at:
- How to earn money online : There are various methods, affiliate marketing, opening up an e-store, blogging, article marketing, email marketing, etc.
- What are my traffic generation and list building methods? Do I use free methods or paid advertising to generate traffic?
- What am I actually promoting? Other peoples product or my own product
- Who do I target?
- What is my market?
Have you ever considered these factors? Starting an online business can be the easiest thing to do as very low cost and if properly applied, you can earn money fast. As usual there is always a big BUT. How and where do I start?
Every business success lies on the efforts that you put into it. The more devoted and motivated you are in achieving your goals, the quicker you will be able to accomplish them. But it takes time and effort, and this is what many lack. All these rumors about making tons of money in the next 30 to 90 days have upset many newbies. Seeing only failure have made them jump from one program to another, time after time, spending thousands in the hope of achieving that financial freedom.
Then there is procrastination. How many times have you bought a product and never looked at it or did not have the time to do it, always putting it aside for another day. Procrastination can be your worst enemy for online business success
The promise of the hidden treasure seems so close yet they are never achievable. Needless to say, that no one ever told us that to make any business profitable we have to keep trying consistently over and over again and only with one method/program.
There is an old saying, that I sure your have heard of. Try, Try, Try Again Until You Succeed”. I have learnt this in school and my main motivation is based on these simple but very effective words. It has kept me moving forward towards my goals.
Many who start as a newbie with online business face common failures of lack of ideas for a business. It is nothing uncommon, so many competition and so many markets but to find the ones that are making money opportunity can be very daunting.
We don’t want to start with a market where you are just a small fisherman in a big ocean with a variety of fish neither do we want to start in a pond with multitude of fishermen catching the same fish. What we are looking for is the exact kind of fish that we want to catch in a place where it is unknown to the other fishermen.
That is where micro-niche market comes in.
It is important to have the combination of two factors that are important for success
a) To have a market with a high demand and
b) To be in a market where there is low competition.
To sum up the two, we need to find a market where there is reasonably good level of demand and with very low competition.
But to come to a stage where we can identify these factors, it takes time. You have to be persuasive, consistent, motivated and devoted to your business. Then, you develop your skills with practice and experience. The more you put your heart and soul to it, the more you will find it exciting and a great desire to succeed.
There is a learning curve which we don’t want to accept and are always looking for the next golden opportunity.
So my final advice to you: stick to whatever method/program you are working on and try it once, twice, ten times before you say STOP it will not work for me.
Remember one thing nothing is easy in life but if we are motivated and passionate about it, then it can be ACHIEVED.
by Nurul Chowdhury | Making Money Opportunity

photo credit: oliverlindner
Thousands are looking for starting a marketing business from home for various reasons. What could be the cause that interest people to look for Making Money Opportunity?
There are various factors which actually dictates the circumstances the person finds himself in. Many are Seeking for some extra revenu to pay their bills, Many are seeking to live a better life, some want to provide a high quality education for their children while others may be disgusted with their day job and are looking for getting out of this frustration.
Current recession period has made it hard for many to pay their monthly bills and mortgage repayments. Many have taken up extra jobs to meet their daily expenses. Obviously, this will have negative impact on the stardard of living and also physical and emotional well being of the person. It is ONE out of many reasons why people turn towards the Internet for additional home income opportunities. The choice is easily understood – either second income opportunity or quit definitively their day jobs.
Marketing Business From Home – Is It Really Possible?
It depends on how you actually interpret Make Money Opportunities.
For some it can be only a dream. Why? because if you believe that you can become rich by Make Money Opportunities as a total newbie within 30 or 90 days then you will be disappointed.Very few people have succeeded (hardly 1%), so what about the 99% who are still here on the Internet. I am not saying these programs don’t work, the guys who have created these programs have tested and tried before putting it to the market . They work well for them. Then why we don’t succeed because when we don’t see results in a few months, we get frustrated and jump over to another program. We don’t stick to the same program and do not work consistently. We don’t try to test it to the full extent. We lack focus. You need to create your business mindset.
A durable business takes time to build up and as the time goes by, you build momentum, skills and knowledge which creates for you a successful online business that will continue to build income for you. I am not saying that what they are promoting is wrong. Obviously, it works for them as they know the system but for you as a newbie venturing in these methods will only bring you disappointment as there is a learning curve. It takes time to understand and master any new technique. You should also overcome Procrastination.
Yes it is possible to start a successful online business and overtime make it profitable which can make you a good amount of money. And of course, oneday you will be able to fully concentrate on your online marketing business from the comfort of your home.
But before you start dreaming, there is a requirement for gathering some fundamental knowledge for starting a Marketing Business from Home, you have to master some indispensable fundamental skills, knowledge and techniques. Without proper understanding of these concepts, you will find failure and will become desperate to do anything to succeed and that is where you fail. Fear and frustration are killers for business failures.
There is no panic but if you are desperate and want to earn quick money then this website is not for you. Sorry to say that but take from my experience, you don’t become rich in a day, I would rather buy a lotto ticket and try out my luck. I am a firm believer of durable business relationship and long term business success.
What are your thoughts about this?