Learn these 3 Ways to Get Noticed with Internet Marketing. In order to promote or sell something online, first you must get yourself noticed. Here are some internet marketing tips that will help you get noticed so you can start making some profit.
Start Blogging
You can start building rapport and credibility as an expert by blogging about your skills, experience or passion. WordPress.org platform is the best known blogging tool out there. By building a blog on a targeted niche, you will be able to attract targeted audiences to your blog. People love to read about good stuff and through blogging you can attract people that are interested in your topic.
Submitting Articles to other blogs
Another way of creating your online presence is by writing blog posts as a guest. If you don’t have a blog and would just like to promote your product then you can add a link to your author resource box linking back to your website in the articles that you submit to other blogs.
Writing for other blogs is not that easy and you would not want to submit to low ranked blogs. It is best to do some research and look for high authority blogs with a good PR.
But getting accepted in high authority blogs is another challenge. You can always contact the owner of the blog and submit an article for review. If the article is of good quality, then the owner will publish the article on their blog. Don’t make your article a sales pitch but rather give them good content that will educate your readers. Build curiosity to get them to click that link in the resource box.
Set up link exchanges with other websites
Building back links is very important for any website/blog. You can contact other websites related to your niche topic and set up link exchanges with them.
The more links you set up the better you will get recognized by the Search Engines. The drawback of this technique is that not all websites agree to do exchange links, especially if your blog/website is new. Obviously, they would like to get also good link juice back to their sites. Everyone is looking for high ranking sites.
My advice would be to start with websites that are in the same level as you are and then gradually scale it up to the next level.
Commenting on Popular Blogs
Yet another method highly used by internet marketers is commenting on popular blogs. Commenting is an excellent method for leaving a link back to your site.
Many bloggers will delete your comment if it is not relevant to the article. It is best to leave a good comment relating to the article if you don’t want your comment to reach the trash or spam folder. If they like what you write then your comment will get accepted thus generating for you a good back link to your blog.
I receive tons of spam comments daily, luckily my Akismet plugin takes care of it by sorting the comments as spam. I only approve comments that I feel is relevant to the topic.
You can get hold of the Akismet plugin direct from WP dashboard (when you install a new wordpress blog, plugin is already installed). In order to activate the plugin you have to open up a free account at WordPress.com, then insert the api key that they provide in the Askimet setting.
Be aware that there are number of SEO guys out there working for you to get back links for your blog. If you have a blog then you will notice that many of these just comment to get a link back to their sites. Don’t be like them or your comment will get deleted.
These are some of the methods I use to get myself noticed. The method the most used by me is commenting. And I can really see the results when I look into the stats. As I am in the blogging industry, I write comments on various blogging sites. The stats do not lie when I see how many of these sites have referred my blog. People are curious and when they see your comments they will visit your website. Honestly I do the same myself.
So do apply these methods and get yourself known to the world. Apply them consistently and you will see the results coming in gradually.
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